Take A Break.

Winding down and knowing when to stop are two of the most important skills in my book. As a writer, creative, or whatever you want to call me, I know I have an issue with burning myself out. I’m prone to spreading myself thin and getting over excited with each new task I set myself. But once I burn out it takes me ages to return to a point where I’m motivated.

It’s like the scales are never balanced, one side has a brick weighing it down and the other is empty and as light as a feather.

Since my birthday in August I’ve made an effort to know when to switch off. I’ve looked for small little tasks I can complete which save me time, and energy in the long run. Because what good is it to be drained and burnt out?

When I think about the pace I work and write, the story of the Tortoise and the Hare comes to mind, even when I was a child it was an outdated fable, but one that came with a great life lesson. The Hare and the Tortoise had a race, and everybody was convinced the Hare would win…because science, right? Nope, the Hare completely overexerts itself and goes for a nap, thinking it has time before the race ends.

If you want the details of the story, I recommend you google it or download the e-book, but the moral of the tale was slow and steady always wins the race. Don’t overexert yourself and rush through life - take your time, observe the details and do a better job for it.

Nobody wants to be the Hare.

If you’ve been a long time ready of my blog, you may notice that I’m not the content creating machine I once was, some of that is down to me expanding my freelance services and other aspects are because I’m trying to be more like the Tortoise in my own tale. I forget I’m 23, I’ve still got quite a way ahead of me to learn and grow in my field. I don’t need to rush, push, and steamroll through my 20’s.

Now I feel like I’m channeling my tortoise energy, I thought I’d share what I’m doing in the hopes of helping other bloggers, freelancers, and marketers take a break and learn the sweet bliss of automation.

Batch Writing Sessions

Subject to change, this blog should go live October 11th. I’ve written this and the last 5 weeks worth of blogs today (August 20th) and I hope to continue doing this monthly. As much as I love writing blog posts and spending time typing way with a good coffee. I’d rather devote my time and energy to other things on the weekend. Once a month I hide away in my room and crack out 4 blog posts and 30 (ish) days worth of content. Giving me the chance to focus on my clients, still build a brand, and make the most of my London experience.

No Phone Days

Exactly what it says on the tin. Two weeks before my birthday I had a complete digital detox and it felt amazing to just vibe by myself for three days. I had the chance to catch up with friends for the first time since graduation and I didn’t think for one second to check social media.

I absolutely, 150% recommend digital detoxes and no phone days if you struggle with social media.

Focus on me

That same week, I had a little revelation. I rarely put my own mental health first. So now. I’ve always been the person who caters to others needs before my own and while that is a great characteristic in any person, it’s not so good for my own wellbeing.

So I journal daily, try to take a breath when stressed, and look for a minute of peace wherever possible.

As I go through my journey of relaxing and mental health awareness. I’ll be sure to share any tips I pick up.


Gary Vee and Gymshark: Freelancers Weigh In


Is It Normal To Feel “Stuck”?