Is It Normal To Feel “Stuck”?

Is it normal to feel stagnant in life?

Maybe, I’m not quite sure myself to be honest. I still remember the words passed onto me by an older friend, “The first eighteen months after graduation are absolute hell, you work jobs you don’t want until eventually you find your way”. Looking back she wasn’t a particularly good friend, but having an older friend to idolise at university did have its perks. I’d like to think that I’m a bit more wise to the world than most my age.

But recently, I’ve fallen into auto pilot and I’m in need of a refresh and a chance to start over with a renewed sense of purpose. I’ve ended my contracts with my freelance clients, focusing on my 9-5 marketing role, and I’m ready to start the business off afresh. New skills, new people, new memories, and much more successes.

Stagnancy is normally a sign that growth is needed. You don’t need to completely start from scratch to mend the feeling that feels like being stuck in the mud. You can start small with a penny and work your way up to around. Find your worth, find your talent, and you’ll look back in another years time and feel proud of everything you’ve achieved up until now.

As new adults trying to get used to 9-5, quick dinners, and early nights. It can be difficult trying to adapt to the new normal (and not just the COVID one).


Take A Break.


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