Gary Vee and Gymshark: Freelancers Weigh In

Earlier this month, Gymshark announced that serial entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk (for this blog, we’ll call him Gary Vee) is joining the retailer as an advisor to the board.

In this capacity, Vaynerchuk will lend his expertise in e-commerce and digital marketing to business strategy and consumer attention.

This news is timed perfectly with Gymshark’s rapid expands its global position.

Who is Gary Vee?

Gary Vaynerchuk is the chairman of VaynerX, a modern-day media and communications holding company, and the active CEO of VaynerMedia, a full-service advertising agency servicing Fortune 100 clients across the company’s 5 locations. 

In the late 90s, after identifying “the internet” as a land-grab opportunity, Gary transitioned his father’s local liquor store into one of the first wine e-commerce platforms resulting in growing the family business from $3-60MM in sales during a 5-year period.

As a marketer, I’ve only really become aware of Gary Vee’s significance this year. I’ve worked with several clients who are absolutely enamoured with him. The man has excellent business knowledge and advice, but after listening to several of his shouty podcasts after one another. I think his worldly advise can sometimes gets diluted by screaming and swearing.

But that’s not to say my opinion is the absolute majority, it clearly isn’t if Birmingham based brand Gymshark are willing to take him seriously. But what do fellow freelancers think?

I asked my network, “What do we think of the Gymshark and Gary Vee collaboration?”

Freelancers respond…

I personally am not a fan of his, but the man has a strong personal brand and, from what I’ve observed, some companies manage to get more exposure and/or investments when they get Gary’s name attached to the brand.


I didn’t like him but when I saw his book at the library I took it with me and read it while on vacation and since then I really like him.

But people in general should stop to ‚guru‘ everyone.


I like Gary, and I love listening to his podcast/YouTube. He’s very transparent & tells it like it is, which is what I appreciate. Gymshark will probably skyrocket with Gary’s brand attached. Although Gymshark gets a ton of recognition from TikTok.


Gary built the family's wine business from $3M to over $60M. I have read one of his books and while he talks a lot, he also practices what he preaches. He knows how best to market a product and him jumping in on the GymShark brand as an advisor probably means that he will move the brand from an Instahoe brand (sorry but that's how I see the brand currently) to something that we all want to wear.


It’s good for Gymshark I guess. I’m not a Gary fan at all, but I’m sure attaching his brand to theirs will be very helpful.


Gymshark gets a lot of social media buzz and Gary V gets a lot of social media buzz. Whether that means they’re the best of the best in their industries but seems to be good for bro marketing which appears right up their alley


I heard him say some really dumb things in his videos and I lost all respect for him. I’m not into idolizing people like this. It can be difficult for some to remember that he does everything for money. He is not some marketing god. Thinking critically about what these people say is important.


Gary V is really good about talking about Gary V. He's good at building things that are attached to Gary V..... but I'm not sure I've ever seen him grow something that isn't a part of HIS brand.


Shame they couldn’t have matched the lighting on both portraits . I used to listen to him too, maybe I should start again


It’s like anyone. Some things they say you will have that ah moment. And other times it’s like wth. It’s really about how you resonate with the person.


This has the same vibes as Molly Mae joining PLT… Publicity stunt to get people talking more than anything else.


I'm not dissing him, but seriously, there are so many women in marketing doing incredible work. Why don't we talk about them more?


I got really into GaryV when I started my business in 2016 but his screaming and "hustle" mentality got old quick. Once, I saw him with a series of snap stories where he was making fun of people sleeping on an airplane because they would never out-hustle him I immediately fell off the GV train. I feel like he must have got that feedback a LOT because over the past year, his content has swung around to this almost gentle, empathetic approach. He doesn't know who he is. He's got some good marketing insight but I think he's a mess.


I don’t know Gymshark, but it doesn’t sound like anything I’d be into. I have heard of Gary V, and I’m most assuredly not a fan.


UNPOPULAR PERSPECTIVE Ben Francis is such an inspiration for our generation.. I love his mentality, humbleness and the gigantic empire he's created at such a young age! I'm sure Gary is thrilled to partner with him just as much.


I sent Gary a message on Twitter when I first started my business idea asking for help.

And he responded!

Not once, or twice, but for several weeks straight.

Gary Vee is the real deal. Highly recommend anything by him. He was genuine, kind but firm, and helpful.


I think that people with huge followings tend to set off false alarm bells.

We forget that no one has all the answers, it just happens that this guy has a lot of tested and true experiences and he has an affinity for sharing them.

Without people like him who are willing to make the mistakes and share them publicly, we all wouldn’t have such an abundance of material to learn from.

I appreciate Gary Vee and everyone else who makes an effort to share information.


My opinion: He's a professional "personality". His videos show him speaking at conferences, travelling around the world and meeting his fans. He's often caught "candidly" on camera talking to someone, either in person, on the phone or on Skype, giving them a motivational speech about how they can change their life - if only they adopt the right attitude!

His marketing is designed to make people aspire for his lifestyle so that he can sell them his content in one way or another. I personally take him with a grain of salt - it's not that I don't agree with him and what he says (most times I do agree), but I don't hold him with high regard in the same way that lots of people appear to.

In my observation, someone like Garyvee appeals more to people who think they want to start a business (and probably never will) rather than those who are actually out there doing the grind. The whole pitch is "even you, a bored and unfulfilled cubicle monkey, have the potential to quit your job, make a fortune and travel the world to speak at conferences and meet your adoring fans -just like me!!- if only you like and subscribe to my videos. Your dreams are only a click and a credit card payment away."

He's a good motivational speaker, but not really much else IMO.





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