
Looking through the Christmas carols, rubbish TV, and shopping, December is normally the time where we start to reflect on the year that’s gone by.

What have we achieved? What was the peak and pit of your year that made 2021 one for the History books? No matter how much COVID has impacted your life, focusing on the positives and negatives of the past 365 days helps you figure out what the hell you’re going to do in the next year.

Personally, I feel like I’ve grown up a lot this year, I’ve cultivated a pretty epic little freelance business. I’m on my way to writing a marketing book which I HOPE to make live by the end of 2021, and after many ups and downs I do feel like I’m started to feel more like an adult and less like a former university student.

But damn I miss the adventure, I miss going out every single day of the week and having a purely alcoholic diet (i’ve never felt so skinny).

At times, my year has felt like balancing plates. Everything was so delicate, but the moment my attention would be spread too thin, something would shatter, and it would be all my fault. Now I know to take it slow, focus on the fulfilling things first, and allowing the rest to come only when I’m ready.

Life is a bit of a shitty, but if you look past the surface, you might find it’s actually glitter.


Reflecting on 2021


Gary Vee and Gymshark: Freelancers Weigh In