Reflecting on 2021

To reflect is to accept. And this year has been one for accepting changes, let’s be honest.

This time last year, I took a brief moment to sit down and reflect on my first year doing Steph Writes Stuff. As the blog had started weeks before COVID, I had plenty of time to learn my way around the world of blogs. It felt like an amazing moment of reflection, like how some of my friends write letters to themselves as each year passed, I wrote my blog and I reflected for the year ahead.

Although 2021 has just felt like an extension of last year in the grand scheme of things, a lot has changed in my life. I’m pretty proud of where I’ve got to so far, but I know i’ve got so much left to do before I can consider myself accomplished.

Moving to London was one of the best decisions i’ve ever made, I’ve grown in my job and fleshed out a freelancing career that I can’t wait to grow in 2022. But I’ve also realised that Marketing is one of the most humbling careers out there. The moment you think you know something, you don’t. The moment you’ve mastered a skill, there’s a new update that shatters your previous understanding. So in the new year I’ll be looking to grow my understanding of Marketing further through SEO, Google ads, and whatever other gaps I spot in my skillset.

Plus, I’ll be trying to take the freelancing business to new levels and expanding to new clients. But how?

  • Setting up on freelancing sites- I absolutely hate sites like fiver as they never truly support the freelancer. But after taking time away from platforms, I’m ready to try prove myself wrong. Later this year I’ll be posting a blog going through the top freelancing sites, recommended by other freelancers.

  • Email marketing- I’ve been trying to get back into email marketing for some time now. But this Christmas I’ll fully be trying to get back into the swing of things again.

  • Bullet journaling- bullet journaling is officially coming back in the new year. I’ve missed taking the time on Sundays to sketch out my week, plus it’s a beautiful way to share my planning process.

Lockdowns lifting and cases has meant we’ve not really been able to settle into any sort of routine this year, which is a huge problem for me. But I’m feeling optimistic about 2022 and all it has to offer.


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