Bye Bye Brum

I feel like this post is really melancholy. I’m actually not 100% sure how to write it.

If you’ve been hanging around for long enough, then you’ll know that I started this blog shortly after graduating from University. I really wasn’t too happy to be back home and having a safe space to write really helped take the edge off.

University had been my escape from my problems, a chance to run away from my depression and anxiety. Returning to the midlands felt like I was jumping back into the devils pit if I’m honest. I feel like it also goes without saying that I was in a pretty shitty place mentally.

I’d had several blogs before Steph Writes Stuff, but none of them were particularly well written or had fully formed ideas within them. But this blog was birthed as a way to once again soothe my creative urge and process my anxieties.

My very first blog post was about Birmingham and why you should visit it; I won’t hyperlink the post because it’s bloody awful but if you decide to dig it out of this websites archives then thats on you!

I guess it kind of goes without saying that this blog means a lot to me, but I don’t think I would have started it up if it wasn’t for the move back to Birmingham. Now a whole year later, It’s time for me to move again. I’m going to London!

It’s an amazing start to a new chapter, I hope this will be a bright end to a dark year. I’m super nervous about the whole thing and I think their might be some anxieties about leaving home again. But this is a good thing. Despite the many friends I’ve made and the countless memories this year has bought me Wolverhampton and the midlands as a whole represent this fountain of sadness. It just feels like a place where you get stuck- a Venus Fly Trap of depression, if I’m going to be poetic about it all. I’m just not happy here, I feel like I’m going nowhere and the whole lockdown situation just made that worse. So although I’m leaving for a new job opportunity, I’m also leaving for a chance at a proper life.

2020 has reminded us that life is short and we’ve got to start looking for ways to romanticising our lives. Otherwise we’ll forget to live them our own way.

As shit as this year has been, I do feel like I should commemorate it ending in some way. I’ve decided to update my very first blog post on this site.

Why you should visit Birmingham

The Shopping

The Culture

The Cocktails

The Sights

The Indies

The Chocolate

The People


I’m Changing The Way I Bullet Journal


3 Cocktails For Whiskey Drinkers