Christmas Light Walk

I’m pretty excited for my first bloggers Christmas. I’ve had blogs since I was 13, but it was always so hard to stick with the habit. More often than not I would just get bored and find something else to tunnel all my energy into.

This is the year I’ve actually made it. I’ve survived the blogger life and I’m not too far away from celebrating one whole year of writing like a proper writer.

A lot has happened since late Feb, but the best thing is probably moving to London. I feel like it always looks amazing on the postcards but, damn wait until you experience Christmas in London in person. It’s absolutely brilliant!

I think we’re incredibly lucky to be seeing London during a pandemic. The streets are empty but everything is just as beautiful. It’s like seeing the city at 3am but without the drunkards coming out of the pub.

Me and my housemate decided to spend our weekend touring the Christmas light displays across London. We’d seen loads of travel bloggers showcase their favourite routes for cute photo opportunities and fun festivity. It probably won’t surprise the devoted readers when I say that our route was from Tiktok. But damn it was a pretty good choice. Here’s some of the photos and where we took them.

Merry Christmas!


2021 Resolutions


Making Christmas Special In A Pandemic