2021 Resolutions

I’m normally quite good with these sorts of posts - I have plans weeks and maybe months in advance. I’m quite surprised that I’ve left this one until the last minute.

Since the start of lockdown I’ve been trying quite hard to change myself for the better. I’ve got healthy, quit (and picked back up) various habits, but I’ve mainly tried to put my health and goals at the forefront of all my choices. Even if you haven’t been reading these blogs for too long, you can see my mental rollercoaster start back in March. I was obsessed with bullet journals and self-help books, I set goals and promptly met them. I had my head on my shoulders and actually I think I still do.

So what’s happened? Why is it taking me so long to sit and plan out what I’d like to achieve next year? I think so much has happened over the past two months alone, my confidence has been knocked slightly. Will I really be able to do what I set my mind to next year? Or will the gyms shut again? Will lockdown regulations be strengthened? What the hell is going to happen?

So many questions and not enough mental energy to sit and answer them all in one go. But that’s 2020 I guess, everything has been unpredictable. Yet that shouldn’t mean we just stop trying or striving for better. I’m on an upward momentum and I’m not ready for it to all drop down just yet. So I’ve decided I’ll be organising my goals a little better than normal this year. No more scrap of paper filled with random things I think would be cool, this year I’m going for gold. Here’s my 2021 resolutions, both achievable, and cocky. I hope you enjoy.

Get back in shape

At the start of Lockdown, I was one of those people who was obsessed with home workouts. I wanted to take the time to be healthy and to cultivate a lifestyle I’d be proud of. It was pretty good, I’d exercise every day without fail and I finally got the flat stomach I always wanted. But as the months progressed and life returned to normal, I let the good habits slide. Every body has the perfect body but I just don’t feel good with mine at the moment. Over the next year or so I’ll be taking baby steps to try get to a healthy state again. Of course, London is in tier 4 and the gym is shut, but the moment everything open again…

Build up a client portfolio

Since I decided on my career path, I’ve dabbled in freelance work. But I’ve never been able to turn it from one of contracts into a fully fledged side hustle. This year I want to lay the baseline for that. When I first moved to London I planned on attending network events and making firm connections. Without this, my methods will have to be more digital.

Journal daily

I’ve bloody missed my journal. I think it’s probably one of the main reasons I’m struggling to find my writing mojo right now. But I’ve dug out my writing journal, bullet journal, and watercolours and this year you’ll see the bullet journal blogs make a comeback!

Find my groove again

I’ve let my plans for this blog slip a little over the past few months. That needs to change. I have plans to tap into my love of marketing and self-care again in the new year, make the London blogs take a backseat. As we begin to see the new year in, you’ll see more ways for you to tap into your own potential as a writer and market your blog to the masses, as well as stay up to date on the news in the industry.


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Christmas Light Walk