Why Now Is The Best Time To Hire A Freelancer

We’ve all watched the news, read the papers, and scrolled through Twitter. There’s a scary level of uncertainty that doesn’t seem to be ending anytime soon.

As a small business, a strict budget is more important than ever before. If you want to succeed in the new year, the key is focusing on frugality, whilst still bringing in new customers who are comfortable selling.

In past years, you may have been willing to hire full time staff, who could permanently work on helping your business reach it’s goals. But when that isn’t viable, what’s your next option?


Whilst lockdown may have led to waves of false freelancers, hoping to make a quick penny off menial marketing services, there’s still a value in finding a part time professional.

I’ve been lucky enough to gain five years of full-time marketing experience, whilst simultaneously building a marketing business over the past two years. My time in agencies, third sector, and corporate offices have helped me develop an array of skills, all easy to blend, and reap great results. Even the freelance side of my career has been varied, working with everything including pet shops and professional matchmakers - I’m more than ready to advise you on the latest marketing trends and needs.

Hiring a freelancer isn’t just for small tasks, or menial jobs. When you hire a freelancer worth their grain you’re getting on hand expertise, at a reasonable cost, and enhanced flexibility compared to hiring full time staff. Especially with smaller businesses, most full time staff will be unpaid, under experienced, or even just using their time with you as a learning experience.

Why hire a freelancer?

By working with freelancers, you know you’re getting someone who genuinely wants to help your business thrive, and has the ability to provide high quality solutions in half the time it’ll take your in house team.

I might sound biased, and that’s because I am!

So if you’re looking to grow your business, but you’re concerned about taking on full-time staff in the midst of a recession. Let me tell you a few more reasons why a freelancer might be your best bet.

Save money

In times of uncertainty, budgets need to be tight. With a freelancer in tow, you no longer have to worry about salaries and fix rates, you have complete flexibility over their hours and costs.

All-industry expertise

You rarely find freelancers that are industry exclusive (compared to full-time marketers), most like to get their hands dirty in an array of industries and specialisms. It keeps things interesting, and you’d be surprised how much the knowledge is applicable to other industries.

Personally, I started my marketing career in an agency. I absolutely loved being able to involve myself in different industries, learning how they worked and why they were needed. It adds a nice bit of variety compared to traditional marketing roles.

Friendly face

Home comforts make for happy people, and when you’re partnering with a freelancer or contractor…there is a VERY strong chance they work from home. We’re often more easy-going folk, with the ability to be serious when the time calls for. But you can rest assured that we’re not scary people!

Portfolio to prove their worth

Circling back to the “all-industry expertise” section for a moment, we have clients of all shapes and sizes, plus a portfolio to prove our successes! A good marketer, regardless of if they’re full-time or freelancer, should have a portfolio to show their successes over the years. Most businesses still consider marketing an expense rather than an investment, so if you’re looking for a freelancer with a ROI, then ask for a portfolio.

Stuff gets done

To put it simply, stuffer gets done. There’s no dilly-dallying with deadlines. Or flippant approaches to work. We’re paid to do a job and we make it our mission to get it done right. Especially for those who bill by the hour or upfront- time is money. And in wasting our time, we’re losing out on potential income.

So why consider a freelancer?

Freelancers can sometimes have a dodgy reputation. Especially when you’re an SMB with very little budget and high expectations. But that doesn’t mean they aren’t worth their weight in gold.

If you’re looking for marketing support, then look no further. I’m here to help with any marketing project, just pop me a message and we can get the ball rolling!


Forward Planning


Getting Back Into The Swing Off Things