Forward Planning

Christmas might be well underway, but I know I’m not the only one who sees this as a time of reflection as well as a time of celebration.

The moment it hits December, I start to think about everything I’ve done throughout the year and everything I plan to achieve in the next. Despite there always being something bad I do tend to take a positive outlook on things, and find someway to set some overly ambitious resolutions for myself. Although I probably won’t be writing an in-depth review of 2022 to share on the internet this year, I still think there’s a conversation to be had about forward planning.

My fellow marketers will have heard the word “forward planning” enough times this month, with Christmas scheduling and strategies for the new year. But those not in the industry might not know…every December is carnage for marketers. The need to schedule Christmas content (to cover annual leave) and begin auditing and planning a new marketing strategy can often dominate your time. I still remember staying late at my previous job, planning enough Christmas content to keep me away from my phone until January 5th. It sounds like an easy task, but when you’re planning 3 weeks of client for 15 clients, it can very easily suck your soul away.

But in a sense, it’s a great time to look back. What worked well this year? Can you show proof? Is there anything in the previous strategy that you never got chance to achieve? Is it on the cards for next year?

It’s almost like you’re strategising your New Years resolutions for work.

There’s no better time than now, and it’s not hard…even if it sounds like it is. Some people decide to permanently shut the door on their year as the clock hits 12, but if you ask yourself some simple questions you can learn from your experiences rather than live in regret.

3 questions to help you start 2022 right

Live in the moment, but learn from your experiences. By asking yourself some questions you can take a second to calmly reflect on your experiences and work out how to be a bigger and better person in the new year.

Grab a coffee, find your notebook, and get ready to forward plan for 2023.

Resolutions are so last year anyway.

How would you describe 2022 in three words?

“Crock of shite”

“Eye opening”

“Factory reset time”

Whether your years been life changing or life shattering. Summing it up in three (or less) words is a great way to get a overall idea of the past 365. The answer helps you realise how balanced the scales were.

Were there any moments that made you proud?

Were there any big moments, landmark events, or memories that will stay with you for the rest of your life? Name them, give yourself credit for your wins.

Whilst you’re thinking about the wins, ask yourself “can I build on this?”

Is there any regrets?

This is where you truly start forward planning. Think about the missed opportunities, wrong choices, and the “I wish I’d done that more…”. Any regrets from 2022 need to go down on paper. Big or small, they need to do down.

After you’ve done that…I want you to think, are there any which can be easily avoided in the future?

Here’s to a great 2023

It feels like every year, we wish for the next one to be better. I know a ridiculous amount of people who let one event completely dominate their year. Something happens, and it’s the defining moment, anything else good is automatically irrelevant.

That just isn’t how it works. We all know that life isn’t plain sailing, it’s made up of good, bad, and ugly moments. Stop focusing on the negatives, and turn them into learning curves. How can you grow? How can you be better? Development is like growing a plant, you don’t plant a seed and find a sunflower bloomed overnight. It takes time, nurture, and understanding needs.


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