Getting Back Into The Swing Off Things

For those who read my blog frequently, it’s no surprise that my writing ebbs and flows. Sometimes I feel on top of the world, able to write reels and reels of content in one sitting, and other times I can’t go near my laptop for weeks. Normally those gaps are filled with scheduled content, but recently I’ve not even been able to do that.

As someone who loves writing, it feels shameful. I see so many people talking about writing streaks that are years in the making, others have the time to write courses, daily blog posts, and grow a community that can be monetised. I don’t have time for that right now, I barely have time for my clients right now, and thats okay.

Unless you’re being paid to write, taking breaks is fine, if that healthy. We live to do what we love, but if you’re regularly forcing the pen into your hand… are you really going to be enjoying yourself? Of course not!

I must admit, my motivation has plummeted the past few months for a variety of reasons. But as I slowly start to pick myself up again I can feel a fire under my ass to be better and do more with myself.

Over the past few years I’ve struggled a lot with burn out, writers block, and outright loss of motivation. But after it reaches the end, I slowly find a sleepy glimmer of motivation. I hate the term “girl boss” but I am starting to feel like one again.

Watch this space.


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