Writing Tips That Make No Sense But Somehow Work

My writing method used to be absolutely chaotic. Trying to string together the incoherent thoughts into a seamless article used to take my hours. Somehow it worked out great but I don’t particularly understand how.

At work, my planning and writing style have to do a complete 180, I have to populate spreadsheets and work through endless articles in research before I even put pen to paper. But when I’m writing at home, I simply plan a title and then take it step by step. It’s a soothing experience that provides a weird sense of clarity.

One sentence incites the next, and that incites the next, and then before I know it I’ve written 700 words.

I know friends who plan and write for days before putting out a single blog post. I wish I could do that but it’s just not how I work. I don’t care about trying to find the perfect way to phrase a sentence, I’m a chatty writer and I think that translates well.

After 3 years of marketing experience and a full year of this blog, I probably have 1000’s of articles littered around the internet (I wish I could count them). Here’s some of my top tips to try if you’re struggling to write the conventional way.

Write meticulously and edit without mercy

I hate the idea of editing as I go. I feel like it will interrupt the creative process. I prefer to sit and write everything out and edit without mercy later down the line.

Re-Read paragraphs over and over

Re-reading paragraphs primes my brain for what comes next. It’s sort of like driving. Once you get up to speed, it’ll take a second to stop. I’m hoping the inertia of reading takes me forward to the next sentence.

Try not to outline anything

All blog posts start as a basic idea, whether that’s a mind map or a title. It kind of takes the fun out things if you know word for word for what you’re going to do before you put pen to paper.

Focus on feeling, not going viral

I want you to focus less on strategy and more on feeling.

Don’t write a listicle because some big writer told you to. Don’t try to get the wackiest cover photo because some big writer told you to. The technicalities of writing viral blog posts have their place, for sure, but I think “winging it” has a place at the table as well.

Imagine trying to feel your way around a pitch-black room.

Developing that skill in blogging is hard and requires a lot of repetition and practice.

Write about stuff you’re very emotional about

It’s easy to write about something you

A. Know very well

B. Are very emotional about

Most of my posts are born from emotion. Therefore the words sort of flow from my fingers like force lightning.

Write for your enjoyment first, and your audience second

I hope what I write is helpful. I hope I speak on topics that are relevant to people.

But I write for me. I write for my enjoyment, and I know that’s cost me money over the long-term, but what’s more important? Money or enjoyment?

Writing strategies don’t matter

Writing strategies are a dime a dozen, and they all can work! Some writers publish one post per week. Some target listicles. Some write about personal development. Some get very personal. Some research the crap out of their posts.

What’s the point?

The point is, everybody has their process. Some processes cannot be fully replicated. Some cannot be understood.

My writing process is like a tornado or something. I throw a bunch of crap at the wall and I see what sticks.

And I love that about what I do. Nobody can take that away from me, and somehow it’s worked well enough for me to make a living doing it.


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