Setting Up Your Own Social Media Strategy

Starting out your own blog is a big task. As I’ve mentioned In my previous marketing posts there is a lot of planning and preparation that needs to be done if you want your website to be a success. You’re marketing yourself as well as the stuff you write about, which sound sound thrilling, not scary.

When I started Steph Writes Stuff (about a year ago now), I didn’t take the same steps that I would do as a 9-5 marketer. This page was meant to be my chance to escape the normal routines and deadlines I was bound to and find a little space of the internet just for me. Now I’m coming up to my first blogging anniversary I feel like it’s the perfect time to take a step back and revisit my approach. I’ve always loved building out immaculate social media strategies and proposals for clients - yet the chance to write one for myself feels a little daunting.

You may have already noticed big new changes on my Instagram and a few small ones on my blog, but until I sit down and plan my approach I want to show you the way I do it instead. Call it procrastination, or education, but here’s my step by step guide on creating the perfect marketing strategy for your own brand.

Plan Your Brand Pillars

What makes you, you? What makes you're writing better than anyone else? Before you sit down and plan anything else you need to think of the message you want to pass on and the narrative you want to put across. I find it helpful to try and personify my blog in a small paragraph…

“Steph Writes Stuff is a place of positive thinking, self-motivation, and a place of learning. SWS often focuses on marketing news and providing tips and tricks for making a brand in a competitive environment”.

It feels a bit primary school, but articulating your own view and goals for your brand in this way feels like a relaxed way to work out what you want. From that small paragraph I can see I want my page to be positive, motivating, and educational. But does my page already reflect that?

Pick Your Keyword/ Plan Your Content

SEO has always sounded like a untameable beast. When I first started out my career I really struggled to understand the concept and how to enforce it on my own blog. But in recent months I’ve taken the time to learn the skill, and even felt confident enough to write a blog post on the topic. So if you’re struggling with it feel free to take a look!

Planning your keywords is imperative before planning your content. It helps people find your content, find your brand, and love what you’re doing for both.

Schedule And Your Draft

Schedule ahead and you’ll be grateful, trust me. In a normal marketing environment you’d be asked to schedule content a month ahead. So why not apply the same rule to your own brand? It saves you time in the long run and gives you the capacity to sit and plan for greater things.


Writing Tips That Make No Sense But Somehow Work


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