Writing The Book (Again)

I feel like I’ve written and rewritten this blog a thousand times over the past year, but I’ve never particularly kept my promise, until now.

We all have bucket lists, whether they’re written on a scrap of paper after a boozy night out, engraved into your diary alongside your deepest thoughts, or just in the back of our minds. It’s a list of things we want to accomplish before we go, and nobody has the same bucket list as the person next to us. Some of us might like to travel the world, others may just want to try oysters, and I just want to write a book.

For as long as I can remember I’ve wanted to become a novelist. As a kid I was addicted to reading, and I’ve always had a weird imagination. But I think one of my most sentimental memories around reading and writing was the short stories my dad used to write for me, he’d make up adventures I’d been on in random locations around my hometown (which in his mind, were all secretly supernatural). It breaks my heart I don’t have those stories anymore, but they’e always pushed me to write my own at some point.

I have tried SO MANY times to get my stories down on paper, to clear out my brain of the buzzing plot lines and intricate characters. But for some reason I can never quite get past the first chapter, I’ve got the ingredients to make a cake but no whisk to bring them together. It’s a constant obstacle in my writing career and an absolute nuisance when it comes to writing anything creative.


But at this but I’m adamant to do what I put my mind too, I haven’t missed out on anything so far and I don’t plan to in the near future. So I’m having another go, I’m working through the kinks of my writing with a non-fiction book and scale up.

So every month, I’ll be checking in on my writing from time to time, be aware!


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