Finding The Spark Again

During my digital detox some weeks ago, I started blog writing properly again. And it felt great. I wasn’t allowed near my laptop, so a notebook was the only way I could channel my words into being, and I finally felt the urge to pick up learning again. Which is something I’ve ben dying to get back into for months.

It all comes down to the same lessons we learnt over lockdown. We can pretty much do anything we want, if we have the time to do it. The rich are rich, because they hire people to do the grunt work for them, and the poor are poor because they’re too busy doing the work to learn anything they can up skill with. I would never be able to do the stuff I was able to do over lockdown 1 again. In the space of three months, I quit smoking, got in the best shape of my life, and I was writing all hours of the day.

My state of productivity was almost euphoric, but the return to real life took me back to square one. My love handles came back I started hiding tobacco around the house again, and my routine changed for the worse. It’s taken me a long time to get this close to escaping the rut.

Don’t worry if you’ve lost your spark.


Writing The Book (Again)


Why We All Need A Digital Detox