Why You Need To Visit A Co-Working Space

In recent years, a tribe of coffee shop writers has come out of the woodwork. An escape from writing in bed or up a home desk has led to a rise in co-working spaces and camping out in independent coffee shops. 

Before we talk about how to find your creative space, let's talk about the perks of leaving your home to find a new space for your creative juices to flow.

It's perfect for remote workers

Working from home sounds absolutely delightful, but it means socializing is strictly limited to the times you drag yourself out of the house. Co-working allows you to find others in the exact same boat as you and maybe even make some friends out of it.

Find meaning

A change in routine and location can help many people discover why they love what they do. Â People's identities tend to present more strongly when they're surrounded by others quite unlike themselves. The work facade can officially be dropped too, you're not surrounded by judging co-workers or competitiveness in a traditional office environment. If you choose to go to a co-working space, you're surrounded by community and support.


Everyone loves a freebie! A lot of co-working spaces offer free to grab and go coffee or even a few snacks to get you through the day.

Collaboration not competition

No more petty office politics or sounds of "Who stole my yoghurt?!" In the distance, co-working spaces are ever-changing and ever-growing. You never know there might be opportunities to learn more tricks of the trade.

You can avoid being the coffee shop creeper

We've all been on both sides of this story, the coffee shop creeper is someone who occupies a large table to themselves for an extended period. It means other customers can't come into the store and most coffee shops suffer from it. By using a co-working space, your encouraging businesses of all shapes and sizes to flourish; you'll also probably save a lot on coffee too!

So where can I find a co-working space?

Co-working spaces are slowly becoming more and more popular across the country. Use.space and We.work tend to be the most popular. More recently, Chester (the independent business hub of the north) opened its own co-working space with council funding. The co-working collective encourages freelancers and remote workers alike to join together in a former Poundland and share all their creative juices. We will be visiting ourselves very soon!


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