When To Rebrand Your Business

I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but there’s been a little bit of a change in scenery here…

For those who know me, or have been around since the dawn of this blog, then you’ll know that Steph Writes Stuff is not the first blog I’ve had. Writing has been a core part of my identity for as long as I can possibly remember. From reading a book a day and writing my own short stories, to studying journalism and eventually starting my own freelance copywriting business…this is who I am and I’m absolutely honoured that I get to write for a living.

But I’ve grown a lot, like most people. The website that I built at 13 to write and ramble on the internet is very different than the one I built fresh out of Uni and weeks before COVID.

The old Steph Writes Stuff was built by a 21 year old trying to work out how the adult world worked (without a student loan) and a need to keep writing stuff that fit her brief, not a client’s. The old blog was built in a rush, with little thought, and a patchwork style backend from constantly testing and tweaking.

Now I’m 25, living on the other side of the country, in a happy relationship, a dog mom, and a better marketer than I have ever been.

I’ve grown up, and it was time my website changed to match the new me.

A couple of months ago I decided to partner with an amazing web development duo I met with on Instagram. We exchanged Pinterest management for website development (case study on this coming soon!).

All in all, I love my new website. Right now it feels timeless, perfect for my business, and the “do wtf you want” mentality that started this whole thing off.

Over the past year or so I’ve dabbled with rebranding, even starting my Instagram all over again with a brand new name. But I never quite knew how to tackle my website.

Knowing it’s time to rebrand doesn’t just happen in my experience, it’s a slow burner of discontent, a feeling of outgrowing, and a longing for a new leaf that all fuse together into the eventual realisation that a new start is NEEDED.


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