Visiting Sketch London

Suppose all goes to plan than in a week or two. We’ll all be able to go back out and enjoy life again. But in the meantime, I’ve decided to reflect on a few of my favourite locations in London.

Last week, I focused on my trip to BUSI cafe, which was fantastic for photos. But when you look past the extra Instagram likes, there was very little substance to the cute but costly restaurant.

This time I wanted to reflect a little on my trip to Sketch, which was by far one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever eaten at. It’s immaculate, colourful, and makes you feel like you’ve walked into an elegant Roald Dahl novel. Oddly, Sketch isn’t known for its obscure artwork or delightful cocktails, it’s known for its toilets.

Two years ago, The Standard dubbed the toilets the most Instagrammable Loos in London, and you can see why. The all-white room filled with tall white eggs looks slightly alien. The stain glass roof provides a contrast that makes the perfect bathroom selfie. I haven’t had the honour of seeing their elaborate holiday displays, but a quick google search shows they go all out!

As of writing this, I’ve visited Sketch twice. The first time I went to sketch, I had no plan to. I’d be in Carnaby Street with my friends and just got swept up in the madness of it all. Unfortunately, everyone else seemed to be dressed as if they were off to the Oscars and we looked like someone had spilt highlighter ink on Jane Fonda (very neon).

We didn’t look good, but we were still treated like royalty. We didn’t look fancy, but the waiters were eager to go every single cocktail we liked in absolute depth. We were made to feel super comfortable on our visit to sketch, despite not strictly meeting the dress code. This made us want to go back again and do it right.

Instead of having one cheeky cocktail and nursing it. We decided to take a stab at the menu, a lot of the food we saw brought out looked decadent. But we didn’t have a clue what it was, and the menu descriptions did very little to help us on this.

So we decided to go for the late afternoon tea, which was effectively a small selection of finger sandwiches or desserts for £10. It was well worth the price for both the fantastic food and the experience of visiting.

Unlike BUSI, I don’t think I have any complaints about my time at Sketch. The staff are superior, the food is elite, and the decor is like a 5-star acid trip.


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