Reactive Social Media: Why Your Brand Should Be Doing It

What is reactive social media? it’s when a brand or business responds to trending topics and events in real time. Don’t get me wrong, proactive social media is vital to your marketing strategy, but reacting to events as they happen shows your audience that you don’t just care about scheduling content. You want to be apart of the conversation and you’re relevant enough to be apart of the conversation, reactive social media helps your online presence massively.


It can be as simple as engaging with your audience, and responding to direct messages. Any social media manager of substance knows that keeping response times low is vital for your strategy, mainly because it gives your brand a positive and caring image. You don’t just care about the money, likes, or follows, you care about the community you’ve built.

I’ll refuse to buy from or work with brands I know have a poor customer service.

Most marketers and social media managers have the national holidays engrained in our brains, even the obscure ones. Even before I worked at the social media agency, I knew the importance of always being in the ball with this stuff. Whether its #NationalBackPackDay or #TellYourFriendYouFancyThemDay , if there’s a way you can make it relevant to your brand, you should damn well post about it!

Some of the best content to come out of social media has come from brands being reactive. When Coleen Rooney went head to head with Rebekah Vardy, Innocent Smoothies were straight in with the social media savagery and promoted their latest drink with this:

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With tons of news updates and notifications coming through our phones each hour, it can be easy to lose track, but each one could be a missed opportunity for your brand to go viral.

But it’s also worth noting that your audience can get sick of constantly being bombarded with product promo.

That brings me onto a bit of a tangent, I absolutely hate accounts that do not understand the meaning of “social” media. We’re not here to sell to our audience 24/7, if that was the case, we’d be sales people not marketers. We’re here to add to the conversation not smack people in the face with digital offers and reminders of how great we are. We can do that a little bit, but there’s a balance to strike.

When I work with my freelance clients, it’s a given that my finger is always on the pulse. Get in touch to here more about the social media packages, including community engagement, engaging content, and a reactive approach to marketing.


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