My Post Lockdown Travel List

I actually can’t wait for things to go back to normal. Of course the shops and pubs are open and in a few days the gyms will be too. But one thing is for certain and its that we will not be the same as we were at the start of this year.

I’ve read loads of articles saying that we’ll be a minimalist society, one that appreciates the small things and truly tries to live in the moment. I quite like the idea of that.

We won’t be the consumerist society eager to find the latest deal or contributing to fast fashion. We’re in the strange part of limbo where big businesses like Boots, Cath Kidson and Go Outdoors are cutting jobs wherever possible. People are losing their jobs and that’s horrible of course.

But in a way I think this is the perfect time for us to switch to supporting Independent businesses or small businesses hoping to change the world.

I personally think a lot of 20-somethings are going to be emerging out of lockdown with a new lease in life. They’ll either want to travel, have a career change or have a new respect for the life they lead. Lockdown has been scary and it’s given a lot of us a moment to evaluate our paths in life.

Personally I think lockdown has triggered my quarter-life crisis. There is so much I haven’t done in life and there’s so much that has been on my bucket list for years. I’ve taken a few months to sit and make some changes in my life.

I’ve started building up my career, I’ve started my blog and I’m consistently updating my CV with new skills.

But damn, I am 22 next month. I’ve been out of University for about a year now and I don’t have much to show for it in the way of ‘life experience’. I had planned my life as a graduate so differently and the fact I’ve not been able to live up to that scares the life out of me.

But lockdown is lifting, slowly we’re stepping back into freedom. It won’t be the same as it was before but damn, it’s close enough. I can’t be the only one who is eagerly awaiting the chance to travel past the city limits with out fear of infection or is too anxious to hug friends.

So too amp myself up about a post lockdown life, I’m starting my travel list. Even writing this now is making me feel all warm and gooey inside so I recommend starting your own too.

My Post Lockdown Travel List


My home away from home, I have so many friends and memories awaiting for me in Chester.

If you’ve never been to Chester I really do recommend you take a trip up north to visit it for yourself. The place is absolutely magical. The community aim to champion small independent businesses at every opportunity and are known for coming together in a crisis.

Their recent support for Chester Zoo was absolutely amazing, definitely research that too.

The town itself is blended with modern and Roman buildings. It looks like a patchwork of time and it’s absolutely magical. Here’s a few pictures to show it off.


I bloody love Liverpool. It’s the home of all good music, food and culture. Its one of the oldest cities which championed diversity in the UK, as it’s home to one of the oldest Chinese Communities in Europe and the oldest Black Community in the UK.

It was also voted the European capital of culture in 2008.

When I was a kid I was determined to live in the city centre. I don’t really remember why exactly, but my love for the place is still going strong!


The capital of the UK and an absolutely beautiful city. London is home to literally anything and everything you could imagine. The streets may not be paved with gold but they attract people from all around the world anyway. I’ve only ever been to Roehampton so theres a load of places I’d like to see when I next go down, Camden Market being a big one!

Get a passport

Would you believe I’ve never actually been abroad? I can almost hear your small gasp of surprise. Travelling abroad has always been on my bucket list but after everything thats gone on the past few months, its fair to say I’m prepared to bump it up a few spots!

Passport applications are currently on hold until September this year, but you can be sure that once thats done I’ll be on my way! Here’s a few places on my list


Ferrazze, Italy




Amsterdam, Netherlands


Referenced as Egypt


Chefchauoen, Morocco


Location not referenced!


Hong Kong


Kyoto, Japan


Melbourne, Australia


New Delhi, India


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