4 Social Media Resources Every Marketer Loves

It’s been way too long since I wrote a blog focusing on Marketing! Now I’m officially back at work full-time, marketing content like this is pretty much all I surround myself with.

One of the big pros (and sometimes cons) of social media is that it’s ever changing. Once you think you’ve got the algorithm cracked, a new update is released and you start the process all over again.

Most of the time changes are done for the best, take Instagrams most recent (and significant) update a few years ago. The removal of likes caused absolute panic amongst big brands and influencers but it was done for the best intentions. Instagram wanted to foster a more positive and uplifting community for its young users.

But as marketers, it’s important to be aware of the big changes as it happens. Thats why we’re actively encouraged to read up on big changes to the industry wherever possible.

It goes without saying that I read up on marketing news outside of working hours too. To my knowledge, there’s only one other person in my company who runs a blog in their own time. So we have more of a reason to study the stuff intently.

But it occurred to me the other day that although so many people use social media daily, they might not actually be aware of some of the resources that marketers use for free.

So if you feel a little bit lost or aimless with your social media marketing, whatever the context. Hopefully this list of website will help you feel a little bit more in control of your social media strategy.

Social Media Today

My favourite site for any information. Social media today is brilliant at providing you day to day updates on everything in the world of social media.

In light of the massive political changes going on in our world at the moment, it’s not surprising that a lot of the articles revolve around hate speech and the USA election. But SMT have actually been really impartial with their coverage. Although that should be expected from most news sources, its refreshing to see people take it seriously.

Social Media Today does have a contributor programme which help them maintain a high output of content, but you have to apply to contribute on the sight. The result is loads of high-quality, experienced writers who have a track record of providing educational content.

They also have a lot of content which helps build a ‘social media strategy’, everything from content calendars to graphic design trends. There is a plethora of free resources which help you get your feet off the ground.

Although I will say SMT isn’t too good at providing long-form algorithm updates. Their news coverage is more reactive and written for those who regularly check for updates.

The Drum

Compared to a lot of the other resources on this list, I would say The Drum is a little more marketing focused. But that doesn’t mean it’s just for Marketing folk, they post some genuinely thought provoking information for anyone interested in technology or commercialism.

The Drum is an award winning and award hosting company which aims to show the importance of Marketing in the modern age as well as the impacts it has on society.

If that butters your crumpet, or if you have an intrigue for the consumerist world we live in. I highly recommend flicking through The Drum from time to time.

Medium/Better Marketing

Don’t have Medium? You really should, it’s an amazing way to learn from likeminded individuals in almost any sector imaginable. Although Medium has been knocking about for a few years I feel like it’s been skyrocketing in popularity. It’s now a place for professionals and intellectuals to discuss their industry.

Pinterest is perhaps one of the most avid users of Medium and it’s known to be the place that they announce new updates.

Even if you’re not that interested in learning about social media, Medium is a great site for an educational or mindful read.

On of the main blogs on Medium I’d recommend is called Better Marketing . Everything from content marketing strategies, excellent case stories and nostalgia for marketing campaigns of the 90’s.

Hubspot Marketing

Content is king and it always has been. Thats why it’s not very surprising to see companies running extensive blogs alongside services.

Hubspot is one of the biggest CRM softwares on the market right now, but that’s probably not what you’re looking for. Their online free courses and marketing blogs are unmatchable. It’s quite popular, with over 4.5 million monthly users they are clearly doing something right!

Their blog covers everything a potential marketer/blogger would need, from the basics of writing your first blog post to building out an intricate email marketing campaign.


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