June Bullet Journal Spread

Although it was literally two days ago since my last BuJo post, I thought I'd share what my bullet journal plans were for June! Like many people, last month I chose the route of self-growth, but this month I'm trying to stay with a similar theme of mindfulness. As we get deeper and deeper into lockdown, it's become so important that we focus on our mental wellbeing. I've touched on the topic numerous times in past blogs, but month three is where the loneliness is really starting to sink in.

Well, at least for me anyway; for an extrovert, I'm incredibly introverted when it comes to messaging or talking to people who aren't directly in front of me. So one of my big aims for June is to actually reconnect with my friends who think I've been MIA for two months (as well as a few other things).

This month I'm also going to start planning out my spending habits more. I've saved a considerable amount of money by quitting smoking and not buying takeout coffee, but I'm also buying more alcohol and using amazon more than I used to. So I wanna try and save some money this month, so I can have a little nest egg ready to move out of my moms flat.

I've seen a lot of people online talk about gratitude journals or affirmation journals lately, and I think the idea itself does have a lot of merits. But a bullet journal is so much more flexible. You literally make it whatever you want! I can't believe I only got into the hobby early this year (thanks Suzie!) and I'm already nearly done with my first journal.

I just want to say these pictures have been inspired by @writtenbycharlotte ‘s flatlays on IG. So go check out her blog!

You'll be able to see all of this and a few other designs in the next few images! If you try to recreate any of my bullet journal pages, please tag me!

As you can tell by my front page, I’m a bit watercolour obsessed.

My idea spread for the website move, which I’ve nearly completed and an excerpt from The Sun and Her Flowers.

My favourite spread! A Habit tracker to monitor my vape usage, water intake, reading hours and exercise hours. Then I have a cute little notepad page.

This month I want to slowly get back into my cocktail making. Its actually pretty fun but difficult without a shaker (they’re so expensive!) and I’ve brought back my affirmations spread after testing it out last month.

I decided to break from the blue theme for these final two pages. The first page is my morning routine; everything I do before midday in order to feel ready and awake! The second page is my social media planner, which I intend to fill with daily tasks I need to do to maintain a social media presence on this blog.


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Bullet Journal: The May Round-Up​!