Bullet Journal: The May Round-Up​!

Look at me, I've successfully kept up a blog series!

I've been in a weird state recently with my blogs. The endless hassle of trying to move web hosts has completely messed up my mojo these past few weeks. I've taken to just completely ignoring any input from others and just focusing on what I think is right; every time someone in my social circle hears what I'm up to I get countless suggestions which just stress me out more.

Hopefully, by the time you read this post. My website will have had a complete makeover; who knows? It might have crashed completely and this blog will be the equivalent of one of Shakespeare lost sonnets.

I definitely don't think I'm that good of a writer but I'll be just as distraught if it all gets lost to the internet.

I'm hoping that the issue gets fixed soon so I can stop talking about it; It's also really affecting my motivation. I don't like not being good at stuff (as you can tell from the +500 topics I try to cover on this blog), and when I struggle to learn something I get annoyed and just lose interest.

The one thing that's been keeping me calm and helping me maintain a positive mentality is my journaling. Both writing in my diary and the process of creating bullet journal spreads has stopped me going crazy in isolation. My bullet journal is now starting to get a little bit chunky from all the watercolour but I think I like it. The damage makes the journal look loved.

You'd be surprised how many things there are to keep track of during lockdown.I know I'm definitely not the only person who's up their screen time a lot this month, skipped on their water intake or lost sleep on pointless tasks. I think now more than ever its important to stay sane with this stuff.

Tracking is a nice way to simultaneously relax and take stock. Thats what most of my pages were dedicated to this month. Self-care and reaching my goals.

If you're interested in seeing how my monthly spread has expanded, you should check out my post at the start of the month.


June Bullet Journal Spread


A Take On Mental Health Awareness Week