2 Ways To Stay Focused On Your Goals

In the past, I've spoken very openly about growth mindsets and goal setting. Although in the middle of a pandemic, it's fair to say that working too long term goals might be slightly more complicated than a year or two years ago - there is still plenty of time to get yourself into the mindset for success.

Since leaving University, I've seen course mates get their dream jobs, choose new career paths, and also go for jobs that they weren't particularly pleased about doing. With the latter group, there's been tears and wobbles, but not a single complaint. That is a need to succeed. That is the understanding that a job needs to be done to build and move to the next.

Whilst I was still in my third year of University, my older friend warned me that the first 18 months of graduate life would be hellish. I don't think she knew it would be on the scale of a global pandemic, but it was a welcomed warning for the months ahead.

She was entirely right (again, not counting COVID). This past year has been hard work and absolutely life-changing. I've gone from being a bit of a firecracker trying to finish her unorthodox dissertation on social media and the media to living in London working seven days a week to maintain a dream job and my blog at the same time. I'm not complaining. I love every second of it. You can't expect to achieve your goals sitting on your arse all day waiting - you have to get in the thick of it and be prepared to get your hands dirty.

During the height of lockdown, I had no option but to be passive in my goals. I did what I could whilst working from my childhood bedroom back in Wolverhampton, and I made the best of it. I somehow managed to get myself down to London, which, despite the restrictions, is a world away from the pandemic lifestyle I led back home.

The point I'm getting at is, if you're a goal-driven person you're well aware of it. You probably work harder than most when there are deadlines to be met. To be successful in life, there must be an urge to get achievements and work towards meeting them. Everyone wants to be successful, but only a select few are willing to work to achieve that. Even fewer are aware of the fact that they have the tools at their disposal to do everything they dream of.

Most people can work towards their goals through achieving habits. But it's the quality of the practices which may or may not help you be successful. A hand full of regular good habits can help mould a goal-driven person.

Be motivated

Be motivated and keep track of your progress; some people decide to dedicate time in their day to achieve these tasks. Whether it's filling out your bullet journal with a cup of coffee or updating your diary right before bed - it's good to stay on top of your goals regularly. I used to find that writing out for my plan for the day first thing would help me get into the right mindset for the whole day. If I skipped the entry for the day, I would feel off-kilter completely.

Set long-term goals and short-term goals

Like I mentioned earlier. It may be a little harder to work towards your goals right now. But that doesn't mean that you can't start to sew the seeds of success. Do you want to get a job in your dream industry? Start getting the work experience, sign up to some online courses, or at the very least, plan the steps you'll need to take to achieve these goals.

Short-term goals are just as important as the long-term ones. They're the building blocks that help you work towards higher things. But it also feels so good to be able to tick them off your list.


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