Goal Setting And Business Audits

Honestly I can’t tell if this years hit me like a tonne of bricks or a wet fish, it’s just absolutely blown past us. In most cases, I can confidently say whether or not the year has been an absolute bust. But this time I’m just not sure…

Either way, we push onwards and upwards for 2024 (which still feels very weird to say). This new year will be our best one yet!

Every December, I like to take a moment to take stock, see what I’ve achieved, what’s fallen short, and what I can do to grow and flourish for another year. It’s my own little life audit, a way to take stock on how the year has gone without completely disassociating and a way to plan, be strategic and feel confident about a better year to come.

Life Audit Ideas

What’s important in your life? When you sit down to write your New Years resolutions, what do you cover? Love, friends, making memories, or money? Anything you think could and would be resolution material should be.

Business Audits

Alongside writing a life audit, writing your very own business audit could be just the ticket you need to make 2024 your best year yet.

Personally, I know I’ve got a lot I want to achieve for my business in 2024. 2023 was officially the year of the rebrand and hiatus- I relaunched my socials and rebranded my website with the help of the amazing girls at Lucky Night Studio. After taking some time off to process these changes (as well as some in my personal life), I’m ready to scale up my business in the New Year and finally focus on my freelance business thriving.

So what am I covering in my business audit this year?


A large part of my business selling point is the low cost that gives SME’s a step-up in the world of business. But as times change I’m slowly realising that the current pricing model just is not viable. I invest so much time in making sure my work is of the highest quality, the idea of it being anything less than perfect irks me - that amount of time invested is just working out more than I’m charging at the moment. So the price change will be implemented to all new clients in the new year, as well as some older ones who are yet to adjust.

New platforms

We’ve talked about this before, right? The key to scalable success on social media is to see where your clients or customers are lurking- in 2024 I’m going back to the drawing board and working out where else I can go to promote my brand and business; LinkedIn, Meta, Ads, and maybe a few others…

Back on the blogs

Over the past 3-6 months (maybe longer) I’ve really missed out on meaningful writing for myself and my business - it’s one of the main reasons I’m on this career path in life and to be honest I need a new year and a new start as a chance to fall back in love with words.

4 new clients

As always, a business goal. When you’re running a freelance business or marketing agency, you need to consider the fact that clients will come and go. Some are seasonal, some stay the long haul, and some just flitter off into the ether, it’s essential to make sure you’re continually growing and scaling your business to account for the flyaways.


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