Consistency is key, until it isn’t

Consistency is key to a successful marketing strategy. ANY marketer you ask will tell you the exact same thing.

But should that be prioritised over everything else you do? Absolutely not.

At the moment, I’m trying to get back into my old bulk scheduling habits; there was a time where I would spend one day a month just smashing the absolute life out of my business to do list. All my personal blogs, social content, and stories would be done in one working day. I’d normally end up with carpel tunnel and a beer in hand but the work would be done, and for the most part I would be pretty happy with what I’d created.

But now, with a lot more plates to spin, and several more challenges on the horizon - there’s an urge to rush through my to do list.

But your business should be treated with just as much respect as your existing client base- would you send something to a client that wasn’t 100% perfect?

I thought not.

Consistency is key to building a successful marketing strategy, but without consistent quality you may as well only post the good ones. So as a reminder for myself as well as you, I’ve put together a checklist to make sure you’re content is exactly where it needs to be:

Make sure your content is worth sharing

  1. Does it align with my brand identity?

    • Does the content reflect my brand's personality, values, and tone of voice?

    • Will it help reinforce my brand's image and message?

  2. Is the content visually appealing?

    • Are the images, graphics, or videos high-quality and eye-catching?

    • Will they capture the audience's attention as they scroll through their feeds?

  3. Is it informative or entertaining?

    • Does the content provide valuable information, insights, or entertainment?

    • Will it educate, inspire, or entertain my audience?

  4. Is it engaging?

    • Does the content encourage interaction, such as likes, comments, or shares?

    • Will it spark conversation or evoke emotions in my audience?

  5. Is it original and authentic?

    • Is the content unique and original, or does it feel recycled or generic?

    • Does it offer a genuine perspective or story that resonates with my audience?

  6. Is it clear and concise?

    • Is the message easy to understand and digest?

    • Is the content concise and free from unnecessary clutter or complexity?

  7. Is it optimised for the platform?

    • Does the content format (e.g., image, video, text) suit the platform's best practices and guidelines?

    • Have I included relevant hashtags, tags, or mentions to increase visibility and engagement?

  8. Will it drive desired outcomes?

    • Does the content align with my social media goals, such as increasing brand awareness, driving traffic, or generating leads?

    • Will it help me achieve the desired results and objectives?

  9. Would I engage with this content if I were the audience?

    • Put yourself in the shoes of your target audience and ask if you would find the content compelling and worthy of engagement.

    • If the answer is yes, it's likely that your audience will also find it valuable.


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