Burn Out And Brain Rot

It’s been a good while since I’ve written a post for Steph Writes Stuff, and while my client work is still business as usual - my actual online presence has suffered massively.

Over the past few years I’ve spoken several times about writers block, burn out, and coping with stress - predominantly from my own frequent experiences. Running and growing a freelance business alongside a full time job and adult responsibilities is by no means a small feat. It takes consistent drive, passion and most most importantly, time management.

My problem was that I’d work in bulk, I’d devote a whole day a month to writing all my blogs and creating all my content for the month - which worked for a good while, until I had days where I just didn’t have the energy. When my other tasks and responsibilities got too much my business would suffer and honestly I hated it.

Now that life is finally starting to show signs of improvement, I feel ready to start getting back into the swing of things. Working on writing, building up my social media again and start growing my client base once more. I’ve accepted pro bono work, built a more consistent routine for my existing client work, and building a plan to once again grow the client base.

So why this post? Which adds absolutely no value to your life for marketing efforts at all? I want anyone reading to know that it’s okay to take a couple of months off from adulting and growing - we consistently push ourselves to grow professionally, we rarely find the time to decompress or embrace slow living practices that help avoid burn out.

Burn out is inevitable as a business owner, it does not mean you’re not cut out to build your own path or break away from a 9-5. It means you just need to find a better balance.


What To Do If You Haven’t Posted In A Month


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