Brands React To Liz Truss’ Resignation

I think we can all agree that the past few years of politics have felt like an episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians. But Liz Truss’ resignation after just 44 days in power has sent the internet ablaze with panic, debate, and brand memes.

If I’m honest, this feels like a pleasant alternative to the performance mourning we saw over HRH Queen Elizabeth II’s death just a month and a half ago. We all know too well that politics seeps into every aspect of life, so I find it better to laugh about the absolute carnage rather than cry about it.

It’s all about Liz

She had the shortest leadership in the history of British politics – and it resulted in catastrophic damage to the UK economy and further diminished trust in the current government. The following few days are going to be challenging to say the least, as the Conservative party scramble to find a new head…or perhaps an old one.

Despite the doom, gloom, and looming cost of living crisis - media in all forms, have taken up the challenge to bring light to the situation. Frankly, it’s hilarious.

Lettuce talk about it

Shortly before Liz handed in her resignation, there was already poked at her potential to stay in power. The Daily Star started a live stream called “Will Liz Truss Last Longer than this lettuce”, a clear PR stunt aimed at stirring traffic for the Britain based tabloid. I don’t think anyone expected the lettuce would actually WIN after just six days.

Image of a lettuce partying after Liz Truss' resignation

The live stream continued after Liz Truss’ resignation was announced.

Channel 4 Tribute

I love how Channel 4 is always entertaining, without lacking the journalistic integrity. Here’s their reaction to Liz leaving…

Everyone else…


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