A Brummie Blogger Day Out

I'm quite sad to say this is one of my last few entries about Birmingham for a while. When you read this, I will have been officially living the London life for two whole weeks. So it goes without saying that my page will be filled about life in the capital very soon!

Shortly before I started packing for the new chapter, I met up with a blogger friend of mine; one last hurrah around Birmingham before I say goodbye for a few months.

It feels like I've known Suzie for longer than nine months. I had the pleasure of being introduced to her in late January, and despite lockdown, we've grown to be brilliant friends. It makes me laugh how she was introduced to me as a '"Pinterest specialist"- because the truth is she's way better than that.

If you're a Brummie blogger or thinking of looking for a new person to follow, then have a look at Suzie's Instagram or Blog. Not to sound dramatic but she's bloody fabulous.

A Bit About Suzie- From Her Blog

"This is a current snapshot of my life. I have always enjoyed writing and have hundreds of small notebooks cluttering up the house, so in April 2013, I felt that the obvious solution was to start a blog.

Since then, Suzie Speaks has grown beyond all expectations. I love the people and the community, and I'm not melodramatic when I say it has been the best form of therapy I have ever had. It has changed my life in ways I never could have imagined, and I was able to leave my job and work as a blogger and Social Media Manager full-time.

My posts reflect my mood and experiences and cover topics ranging from books, film, thoughts, daily life, teaching, friendship, relationships, things I find amusing, my adventures around my beloved city of Birmingham and my travel experiences. I blog about my life, my loves, my family and friends.

I'm a thirty-seven-year-old former teacher from England. I live with The Bloke – my fiance (and a very patient man) who has been my partner-in-crime for a very long time… and our elderly cat. I am in the process of changing my life and becoming self-employed, and I am gradually figuring out what I should be doing with my time."

As I read through the about section, I have quickly realised that she's accomplished a lot since this was last updated. So definitely give her a follow!

I don't think either of us had ever had a blogger day out; you occasionally see bloggers 'collaborate' and go on a little photoshoot expedition. But I don't think either of us had ever had the opportunity to do anything of the sort.

Despite the fact, I grew up in the Midlands, and Birmingham has always been my old stomping ground. I don't feel like I've ever had the chance to appreciate it in all it's glory entirely. It's always felt like "The city with the good shops" or "the place where the German market is held". Nothing much else- I've never been able to scratch below the surface of that. I've tried to; I founded this blog to fall back in love with Birmingham, to an extent I think I succeeded in that.

When I told Suzie I was moving to London, I think we both felt that this was our chance to have a girly day around town and make the most of Birmingham. So I let Suzie plan a blogger day out (which reminds me: Suzie if you're reading this I owe you a fiver). We both decided to go crazy with the photos and try to document the day the best we could, but I want to relive that day one last time in my writing- I hope you enjoy!

Medicine Bakery

After spending months walking past the medicine bakery whilst working in Birmingham, I finally had the opportunity to visit on my lunch. It's an absolute bloggers dream. 

Custard Factory

You're not a real Brummie if you haven't visited the custard factory at least once in your life. It's the creative hub of Brum and is continually changing. It's commissioned graffiti walls are always getting refreshed by local artists, and the whole area is filled with beautiful bars (like Birdies) and coffee shops.


Suzie was adamant that we visit Birdies if I'm honest this is another place I've never had the guts to venture into myself. I regret that choice so much, the outdoor seating made me felt like I was sunning myself in a tropical rainforest, and the food made it the perfect chill spot after the 2-mile walk across Birmingham.

On the blogger front, the lighting was perfect too. There is absolutely no filter on this!

Brindley Place

I bloody love Brindley Place, it's always been one of my favourite places, even as a child. My Dad worked in various hotels surrounding the area when I was a child, and I remember strolling around with him when he finished work or on his days off. It's just beautiful! I, unfortunately, didn't take too many pictures here. So you'll have to deal with only one!

As I'm writing this, I haven't left for London; but as I mentioned, this is the last Brum blog before I go. It feels like I'm putting the lid on a chapter of my life if I'm honest. I was heartbroken to find out that I would have to move back home last year, I'd fallen so deeply in love with my life in Chester I wasn't ready to go back to a place I didn't quite like. But as time has passed, I've realised that my time in Birmingham has healed me and helped me grow. I've made some fabulous friends that I hope to keep for a lifetime. I've worked with weirdos and boring busybodies that made me appreciate my quirky personality a little bit more.

As I've grown older, I've come to realise that life is what you make of it. This time last year I wasn't thrilled, but I can honestly say that I've found a good company and f*cking flourished. I may be leaving for London, but I've left a bit of my heart in Brum.

You may be thinking "bit deep for a blog post", but this was the perfect day out and the ideal way to say goodbye to a place where I've lived for most my life.

Thanks for the fab day out Suzie, it meant a lot.


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