5 Things You Need To Start A Blog

Starting a blog with no background knowledge is as scary as hell. I still remember creating my book-review blog at 16. I'd always shown a liking for internet culture and social media- but this was my first stab in the dark on the matter. I scrubbed it from the internet many moons ago, but It wasn't perfect. As brilliant as the backend software is, I can't get over WordPress themes, I wouldn't say I like the look, and most websites ran by the software remind me of a custom Tumblr profile.

Then whilst at University, I was asked to start a blog for one of my assignments; for some reason, I chose to focus purely on food. I think I was trying to get creative with my cooking at the time, and I liked the idea of cooking quality food and claiming it helped my degree.

We live in a world where members of the public are increasingly aware of algorithms, influencers and everything you may need to market your blog and your brand- which is excellent. I firmly believe TikTok has cultivated a new generation of social media users who understand how to exploit the algorithm for their gain. They're learning how to do my job, but I don't mind, I think we need to know more about the tech that's become an extension of ourselves. Growing up kids didn't understand how they were etching themselves into history by creating a cringe YouTube channel (post-2009) and for the most part they didn't understand the darker aspects of the internet (like cyber-bullying and revenge porn).

As Gen-Z grow and learn to fight their own battles, we quickly realise that these kids know what they are doing. If they decide to 'cancel' someone then they bloody do it, take a look at Trump Tulsa Rally. I hope that they are fully aware of all their actions, I think they are-but time will tell.

Despite all this, the idea of starting a blog is a little daunting. I do not doubt that if you're reading this blog, you understand a substantial amount about Instagram marketing or at least how to take a good picture. Yes, brands looking to collaborate with influencers are turning to Instagram to get an idea of their engaging audience; but there is so much more that you need to add to your toolkit if you want to make your brand pop! SEO, Adsense and a whole bunch of other stuff are vital for increasing your visibility online.

I will admit, I'm relatively new to a lot of these myself! Steph Writes stuff is not even a year old, but I use it as a way to increase my knowledge and understanding of these topics daily. So if there is something I'm not too sure about, I'll provide further reading for you in the form of a hyperlink. Enjoy!

Domain names and handles

No matter the context, finding the perfect name is vital. If you're new to the blogging world, I recommend exploring the different domain names and handles available.

When choosing Steph Writes Stuff, I wanted something that differed from the old cringeworthy names I'd used in the past. I wanted something witty, easy to remember and readily identifiable; but being able to show it off in a professional setting was so important too. I was quite lucky that only one other person had decided to name their blog Steph Writes Stuff. It made the process of setting up domains and outranking her on Google a hell of a lot easier.

Speaking of Google, it's also pretty handy if you can fit some SEO keywords into your name. For example, Steph WRITES Stuff, is an easily identifiable search term for people looking for my blog. Still, there is also the chance that I show up on search results for Writers, which is a big plus for potential blogging opportunities.

The perfect web host

Shop around for your web host! Each web host offers loads of different benefits but also a plethora of cons. If you've been following this blog for long enough, then you may know that back in May I decided to move my web host from GoDaddy to Squarespace, the whole process near enough gave me a breakdown, but it was worth the weeks of stress and over-zealous research.

Looking back on the weeks of my slowly moving all of my blog posts from a test site to test site has made me wish I'd known how to research into stuff a little better. I think I'd got sucked in with GoDaddy's impressive marketing strategy but never again.

There are so many good hosts on offer, but none of them is perfect. Take the time to look into all your options before committing to a payment plan. And for the love of God, do not go for GoDaddy.

Knowledge of your SEO rank

SEO is a bit tricky and also something I'm planning on writing a good blog post on later down the line. But I recommend looking at stuff with an SEO mindset, what is your keyword for the position? What other terms are your planning on squeezing into the post?

These are all questions you need to think about to create high quality, good rank blog post on Google.

A ruthless editor

Write with a frenzy and edit without mercy is my favourite phrase at the moment, purely because I am a horrible editor. Grammarly is my best friend, and rereading my writing makes me anxious.

Everyone's writing style is entirely different; some people may edit as they go, and others decide to structure the hell out their posts before they even put pen to paper.

So just try your best to ensure your blogs are fluid, consistent and the absolute best they can be.

Images that POP!

You don't need to be a top-notch photographer to run a successful blog. Half the time, I use high-quality stock images in my posts. Sites like Pexels and pixabay offer a variety of free images that you can download quickly. It helps freelance photographers get the promo they need and keeps your posts looking fresh as a daisy.

Of course, you're more than welcome to post your pictures, but please make sure they are high quality as this can affect your Google search ranking!

Now that content is king. If you want to flourish on the internet, then you have to throw your coin in the jar and add to the conversation. Whether you decide to do that for yourself or your business, having a blog is one of the best ways to drive people to you. Don't be afraid to write pages upon pages, in fact; it works in your favour.

Although we live in an age where people are becoming increasingly aware of how the internet works (e.g. algorithms, data collection and more), it's still quite challenging to break into the circle of success. I'd like to think I've helped you get off the ground and onto the best foot. I won't lie to you; there is probably a list longer than your arm of other stuff you will need. But a lot of that will be particular to you and your brand.

If you'd like further help on this, why not reach out to me? Click the hire-me button at the top of the page.


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