Working hard or hardly working?

We’ve all heard the phrase “do what you love, and you’ll never have to work a day in your life”. Growing up I thought it was meant to encourage us to be astronauts, fashion designers, or in my case CSI. But I never felt like it could apply to anything more realistic.

I’ve always loved writing, it’s been my happy space. Only children create a new world for themselves with books and TV shows, but I wanted to write my own. Over the years the love for words has evolved from books, to the news, to any-fucking place that will take it. Marketing is an absolute minefield of a profession, so I’ve never felt like it was an easy way out. You’re always learning, educating yourself on new algorithm changes, fretting over hashtags, and pulling your hair out over SEO. There’s a lot to deal with, and imposter syndrome isn’t a rarity for any of us. But I love what I do, it keeps my brain ticking and it’s never felt like an industry of just ticking boxes.

Recently I’ve been trying to channel some of my knowledge into my blog, to use it as a space to learn and discuss the things that are so fundamental to building a brand. From SEO, to multi-media content, I’ve been exploring ways I can grow my blog and get it to the point where I can bring in contributors, feature writers and keynote speakers. Thats a bit of an end goal for me.

Does that feel like working? Of course not. I rarely feel stressed with my job, there’s moments where I want to pull my hair out and there’s moments where I feel invigorated. It’s the perk of the job really.


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