Why I’m Adding Paid Ads Back Into My Social Strategy

And no, that doesn’t mean I’m buying likes.

If you know me personally, or have followed me for sometime, then you may know that paid social media is my bread and butter, but also one of the main reasons I made the move to copywriting in freelance.

I started Steph Writes Stuff ( now CopyWriting By Steph) as a way to keep channeling my creative side while I worked the agency life, I was sick of sticking to a client brief and needed to find some sort of sandbox space to play about and find some freedom - after some time that evolved into a business within it’s own right, offering services that catered to a social brief…but I’m working on finding that freedom again don’t you worry.

You may have read last week, that I took some much needed time off to focus on me and my health, now I’m back into the flow of things I’m ready to get back into expanding my business for the better.

I don’t know about you, but during periods like this I sincerely wish I was a nepo baby, with the power of word-of-mouth continually at my disposal. Unless I’m secretly related to Gary V or some illustrious Marketing god, I don’t think I can rely on that as a channel for leads.

Historically, my acquisition strategy has been VERY organic with social and search being my main source for leads - but I’m ready to try something new.

I’m returning to Fiverr, as much as I hate to say it, with some realistic pricing on the platform, and I’m starting to implement a paid social strategy - not just because it’s a nice little tax excemption, but because it has the power to drive loads of value to my business;





Email growth

And while I’m not 100% ready to push 100’s into social marketing, I am ready to start testing my own theories for success with my own business, I’ll also be sharing the results of this with you - whenever I can and as detailed as possible to ensure you’ve got your own path to paid leads.


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Take A Day Off