Turning 24

I’ll be honest, I utterly hate writing these. Despite still being in my early twenties, the idea of sitting down and processing the fact I’m another year older makes me want to physically be sick. It makes me hate the pandemic for taking away nearly three years of my “golden days”. But at the same time, these yearly blogs are important, it’s a chance to sit down and reflect on the past year of my life. Where I’ve succeeded and where I’ve failed at being a better version of myself - it’s probably the only time I really take a second to do that anymore.

Looking back on 2022, I feel like it’s been absolutely chaotic. I’ve put a lot on the line and I’ve lost a lot too. I’ve been forced to completely refresh my London experience, meet new friends, make new memories, and take the training wheels off.

The past few months have made me realise that I’m pretty good at adapting to new situations, I’m yet to be in a social situation where I haven’t survived and I’m normally pretty decent at getting what I need from work.

Professionally, I’m growing, and still learning with every passing day. But I honestly don’t think that’s likely to change anytime soon. Marketing is always changing, and I do my best to keep up with it for my business, work, and blog…

As I turn 24 I want this to be the year I find calm and mindfulness in my life. More zen, less drama, and plenty of wellness will help me take a step towards being completely at home with myself. That is my next goal in life.


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