The Post-COVID London Bucket List

It’s been a while since I’ve put together my own bucket list. There was a time where content like this featured heavily on the blog. But as did many during the height of lockdown, I imagine quite a few of those websites are now sitting empty and unloved.

I started this blog just a few weeks before COVID hit the UK, I was inspired by a co-worker and launched the website as a way to stay creative whilst writing for businesses and brands. It was my little safe haven and sandbox. I called it “Steph writes stuff” because I had absolutely no plan in regards to what I was going to write. My dad would have described it as “throwing shit at the wall, and hoping it stuck”, and to be fair quite a bit of it did. I don’t think there’s every been a missed week of blog posts, I’ve dialled back how much I’m writing, but only because I rarely have the time to invest anymore.

Back in lockdown one I was bored, and busy people should never be bored. I think I wrote about three blogs a day and spent the remaining hours building my instagram, quitting smoking, and getting healthy. I was in a euphoric state for a writer. I had all the time in the world and learnt pretty quickly that’s all you need if you want to truly accomplish something in life.

This time a year ago, I was wishing away the months until Covid would be done, but I’m smart enough to know that if it hasn’t gone by now it never really will. Meaning, that this isn’t really a post-coved bucket list, it’s a post-lockdown bucket list.

Which is pretty much the same thing really, right? July 19th hit and every single person suddenly lost their masks, re-joined the gym, and in many cases, went straight to the club to swap saliva with anyone who would give them a chance (including myself).


This isn’t going to be a bucket list detailing how many boys I want to add to my bodycount or how many nightclubs I want to hit in London. It’s not that type of reckless bucket list.

Since moving to London, I’ve never really had chance to see the city at its prime. All I know is a desolate Oxford Circus and a somewhat busy shard thames. I’ve never had to struggle my way into a coffee shop or bob and weave through busy crowds. It’s like I’m moving to London all over again, and I’m bloody excited.

I’ve not really talked about it too much on social media, but I’ve also just moved flats. So this autumn really is the start of a new chapter, Covid free, busy-city, and beautiful new flat.

If you want to use, share, or re-pin my list, let me know!

Post COVID Bucket List.png


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