Stop Asking “How To Go Viral”

Are you really in marketing if you’ve not been asked to make something go viral? In todays environment the question is normally directed to TikTok, the platform that no. business owner seems to fully understand but wants to succeed on.

But, how do you go viral on TikTok?

It’s like asking how long is a piece of string, the answer is impossible - but the question should not be asked in the first place. Businesses looking to simply go viral either believe they have a product that literally fits everyone, or they don’t care who hears about it. They want to throw the proverbial sh!t at the wall too see what sticks…this approach can be fine in situations where businesses literally do not want tangible sales from a platform. But in most cases it often ends in disappointment.

Over my four years as a marketer, I’ve realised clients normally ask to go viral if they don’t really understand what the platform is or does. It feels like a more intellectual version of “just make it look good”, providing no goals, KPIs, or content ideas to further shape an ideal look.

How you should ask for a TikTok strategy

If you’re looking for marketing support, the most important step is understanding what you want OR finding a freelancer who can help you figure out your goals without milking your bank account. You’ll know if you’ve found the correct one if they’re able to help you map out the following:

  • What you want to achieve from social media marketing- are you looking to solidify your brand reputation with likes and follows? Are you looking to get featured in the media with your brand or expert opinions? Or are you looking to get extra leads through content based marketing strategies?

  • Is there a physical goal you want to hit within a three month period? What is it?

  • What audiences are you hoping to target on the platform? Do you know what your business audience is?

Sitting down to determine the answers to these questions is vital for any business looking to develop a social media marketing strategy regardless of what platform you’ll be using. Not only does it make the life of your freelancers much easier, but it helps you get the biggest benefit from your social media presence. Think about it like this, instead of throwing the proverbial sh!t at the wall - you’re playing an intricate game of golf. The net for dimensions of success are much much smaller, but every successful score is worth its weight in gold…Compared to literally throwing poop at a blank wall.

I’ve never been one for metaphors, but the general idea is that you’re spending your money on social media management. Why should you focus on users who aren’t going to engage with and buy from your business? Similar with any other business investment, you want to see a return on the money spent.

Sure, going viral will help you get some vanity statistics, but is it really worth investing your money into statistics which don’t translate to sales?

Freelancers filled with broken dreams

If a freelancer is promising you that you’ll get a million followers within a month or 50,000 likes on every video (Without paid advertising) then I can assure you they’re selling you a fairytale of false promises. Nobody can guarantee your business will go viral, they can do everything within their power to create and post content that is appealing, engaging, and therefore more likely to get views. But nobody can guarantee your business will be the next DuoLingo, or Innocent Smoothies…the power of that is entirely in the hands of your followers.

Looking for a marketer that speaks facts?

Find a marketer that provides facts, not pipe dreams. I provide a range of marketing services for businesses of all sizes and sectors. Get in touch to hear more about what I can do for your business.

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