Steph Writes Stuff Turns 3

Another year, another list of stuff to look back on.

Steph Writes Stuff turns 3 this week and if I’m honest, it barely feels like we’ve hit the 2 year mark. Post-COVID time flies so quickly at the moment, I don’t know if it’s to do with being busy, stressed, or consistently overstimulated. But nonetheless I’m happy to say I’ve kept this up for another year. Growing up, I always went through “blogger” chases, creating random WordPress sites for book reviews, journal entires, and random writing - now at the big old age of 24, I can finally say I’ve managed to stick to the. habit of writing regularly for 3 WHOLE years.

Steph Writes Stuff started out the same way those childish WordPress sites did, as ramblings. A 21 year old graduate (me) sick of writing for social media clients and wanted to find a space to talk about whatever the flip she wanted.

I’ve definitely kept to that ethos, but my topics and my writing have evolved past anything I could have imagined. Steph Writes Stuff is still my sandbox space to test, learn, and grow - but it’s grown into a space for me to grow my career. A copywriting and marketing blog that covers everything and everything I have interest in. Unlike the plethora of writing portfolios you’ll find across the internet, this is still my personal space. If you read enough entries you’d probably learn a lot about me as a person: who I am, what I stand for, and where I want to be in life - the answer to all three revolve largely around my career, but who could blame me?

Growing Steph Writes Stuff

What started out as random ramblings has grown into a chaotic little side hustle that I love more and more each day. Last time I celebrated the business birthday, I had one full-time client, and was on the cusp of securing another.

A year later, those two clients have now turned into 7, all working with me on a variety of marketing services and all seem to be here for the long haul. In the coming months, Whilst I would definitely say I’m time poor (holding down a full time job, boyfriend, social life, physio and growing business will do that too you), I haven’t regretted a single thing from this year. I don't intend on stopping there either, once I’ve managed to organise my time a little better, I’m planning on growing my client base further, finally getting myself set up on KDP, and looking for other ways to automate an income.

The skies the limit, and while I’ve definitely got a lot of stuff to work on this year, I’m excited to see where I am by next years entry.


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