Reflecting And Looking Forward

We all know this time of year well. Christmas is done, New Years is pending, and we all feel stuck in limbo while we wait for time to pass.

Personally, I like to think of this as our chance to look back on the year and plan how we can be better in the new. Whether that means finally losing weight, breaking up with a toxic partner, or finding a new hobby that brings a bit of light into life. We have nothing else to do apart from watch re-runs of cult classics and chow down on cold turkey sarnies - let’s make the festive limbo a bit more positive.

I’ve been thinking about 2023 since the start of December. This years been full of so many ups and downs, I’m hoping the New Year will tops the scales closer to the positive. I know I’ve definitely lacked on growing my business over the last quarter of the year, which I hate myself for. But sometimes you just need to be able to take a break from staring at your laptop and try to enjoy the world around you.

If you’re hoping to start a new year with some goals in mind, great! You’re taking a moment to realise you can grow and start setting some realistic plans in action to help you grow. But if you truly want to achieve your New Years goals in 2023, then I have some advice thats worth paying heed to:

Do a life audit

In early 2021, I covered the concept of a Life Audit, a simple way to take stock of your year and work out how it really went. Life audits give you a chance to review your year on a macro-level, rather than micro.

What are you really sad to have missed out on?

Anything you missed out on in 2022? Put it on the list of achievements for 2023. Whether you’re halfway there or never even started, you’ll have a fire under your butt to get it done in 2023. Personally, I know that towards the end of the year, I really let my social life falter towards the end of the year. Mainly due to trying to balance work, freelance work, and a new relationship. I’m not mad at myself for it, as something always has to fall off the agenda. But I’ll definitely be working to try find a better balance in the new year.

What do you think you can build on this year?

Hit a goal? Miss one? Work on breaking the glass ceiling in 2023 and improve on any of your big goals from last year.

Plan to lose wait? See what else you can do to be healthy in the new year.

Whats the most realistic way of achieving these goals?

This is the bit I always enjoy, what can you actually do to make these goals happen? When it comes to setting New Years resolutions, it’s very easy to aim for the stars but is it something you can really achieve? Whilst you’re working out your plans for 2023, try think about how you’re actually achieving them. If you’re not confident that you can carry out the plan by the end of the year, try chasing a smaller version of the goal. Rome wasn’t built in a day and not all resolutions can be finished in a year.

New Years as a Business owner

Planning the start of the new year is always tricky as a business owner. You know what you want to do…like attract more clients, but the planning of it can be a bit more complicated. You can put your heart and soul into marketing, cold messaging and more, but at least for me it feels like a bigger challenge than it is.


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