Rebuilding The Blog

For those who have been around in the early days of ,you may remember that the blog looked very very different.

I’d set up free Word press blogs throughout the course of my misspent youth, but this site was my very first jump into building a brand from scratch. So originally the blog was set up on GoDaddy, from an external point of view it looked great. It had the minimalist girl vibe I’d been aiming for and a super cute looping video that would welcome people back to the site - but the benefits stopped there. From an external perspective everything was abysmal, I couldn’t set up Adsense, I had very little freedom in terms of how my pages and blogs could look, and ultimately I felt very trapped with a horrible website.

So about one or two months into lockdown (the blog was probably about 3 months old), I decided to try and migrate my entire blog over to a brand new system. Keeping the domain, my content, and as much of the design as I could salvage.

Consider I work with software, i’ve never been particularly technical, but I’m damn good at following instructions if I can find them. So for three weeks I researched the life out how to make the move. I shopped for potential suggestions and eventually admitted I wouldn’t be able to click a button and let my laptop do the work for me.

Honestly ever since I made the move, I haven’t looked back. My new site is beautiful and so much more moldable than anything I would have had previously. Sure Squarespace isn’t perfect, but I’ve never liked Wordpress much and I’m not a skilled enough coder to make it something beautiful.

But nearly two years after making that move, adding the purple marble and building my new home on Squarespace, I feel like I’ve outgrown my current set up.

During that time I’ve changed jobs, moved to London, and changed the direction I want this blog to go thousands of times. I am not the same girl who just wanted to post random shit on the internet. I want Steph Writes Stuff to be my sandbox, my place to explore more about the career I love, and show others I can do it even better for their business.

My content is slowly changing, my design should too.

So I guess you’ll notice plenty of changes over the coming months, some might stay, some might not. But by this time next year my blog will look very different. Feel free to let me know how you feel about any of them in the comments.


S x


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