Contributors Needed!

If you’re reading this, then you’re a writer. You love words, books are your safe place, and perhaps you have an innate fascination with the news. In another life, if you lived just around the corner we might have been friends.

Since starting this blog, a little over a year ago, I’ve had plans on where I want to take it. I love writing, but I didn’t want people to come visit my site in search of my voice and mine alone. Let’s be honest, I do go on a bit and I often feel like I go round in circles. Let’s give someone else a shot.

I want to hear what YOU want to write about. Got a story? Tell it. Something really ticked you off? Shout about it.

I want Steph Writes Stuff to become a forum. A place for knowledge sharing and comfort. Somewhere people can go to rant or read others thoughts.

If you’re interested in writing something for me, please email with a quick 150 word pitch. Full credit and back links will be provided!


How To Know When To Switch Off


Finding Time For You