Periods and other lady bits (ad)

I didn’t realise how fucked up my sex ed classes were until I was about 13, maybe 14? I still remember the day one of the girls started her period in year 6, the first one out of anyone I knew. It couldn’t have happened to a more dramatic person, and before lunchtime everyone was freaking out. So we got sat down, and taught the ‘proper way’ to handle the situation when our time came.

We didn’t understand why, we didn’t understand how, and we didn’t understand that it was a perfectly normal thing in life. Perhaps it was a defect of attending a religious school, but we were made to feel as if periods were a genetic deformity, not a miracle of life and being a bad-ass girl. The boys couldn’t know if we were ‘on’ and our friends probably shouldn’t either. That was the way I saw it anyway. Then I don’t know what changed, I just became very care-free and candid. Who cares? They learn about it at school and at some point they’re going to see it in real life.

Periods are great! I really mean it! To prove it, I’m starting a mini-series in partnership with Daye. Daye are an affordable tampon company which aim to improve the quality of sanitary products women have access too on a daily basis. They recognise that the one size fits all healthcare model doesn’t work. There is no one way to be healthy. They go with the flow by delivering convenient, high-quality products that fit your needs and lifestyle, without compromising on your values. Daye see privacy and continuity as the bedrock of being your own health advocate and owning your health record—the central purpose of our digital platform.

Daye believe that the consumer should be able to make educated choices. This can only happen if brand commit to complete transparency. They want to lift the veil on the supply chain na manufacturing process so the community know exactly what’s happening and the love thats gone into making the product.

Medical research should also be accessible for all. Which is why they make their own research and related scientific studies available for everyone in an easy format, through their blog, vitals.

I recently became an ambassador for Daye and after my second consecutive month using them, I know I’ve made the right choice switching brands. Like most women, my periods aren’t exactly perfect, but this has been the closest I’ve got to a smooth period in about 10 months.

I highly recommend you check them out! If you do, don’t forget to use my discount at checkout for money off your first order.

Discount code: amb-502U

So here’s my first post in the series. Periods are great! Here’s why…

They make you want to work out

Thanks to the drop in oestrogen and progesterone, your body has better access to the fuel it needs to smash the gym during your time of the month. So although It might not feel like it, it’s actually the perfect time to do that HIIT workout.


Studies have shown that women is more turned on during the time of their period, and while it’s kind of messy, it’s actually much more enjoyable than usual. Plus, having an orgasm releases endorphins, reduces PMS and eases those killer cramps, so if you’re not super attached to those white bedsheets.

You learn more about your body

And it’s not just preventative - that time of the month reveals tons of stuff about how your body is functioning, and if there’s anything you can do to help it out. For instance, being overweight, underweight, or under extreme stress might prevent your period from arriving at all - or, if you do get it regularly, it’s thought to be a sign that key areas like your hormones and thyroid are functioning as they should.

It’s the ultimate excuse for self-care

12 boxes of doughnuts and a Uber-long Netflix binge is the perfect way to take a break and do something you enjoy guilt-free. Stop putting your own needs of the bottom of the pile and use it as an opportunity to set aside a day to do f*ck all.


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