Overcome Your Wobbles

Pretty sure I first heard the term 'wobbles' in my last role. It was used to identify clients that were on the brink of leaving or showing the signs of handing in their notice.

The term kind of stuck with me. Everyone has wobbles now and again, whether it's a bad day at work or just anxiety. It's important to normalise and validate it when you feel like that.

I've been feeling a little bit stressed over the past few days- a mixture of hormones, anxiety, and me putting my foot in it. In the scope of things, these issues will most likely not matter. So much else is going on in the world that these things will most likely be forgotten in a few weeks, But the matter of the fact is that right now, I'm feeling pretty shitty and doubting myself quite a lot.

Writing has always been my passion, my way to process my emotions and work through my feelings. So I feel like that's probably the best way to overcome these stresses and concerns.

I debated about whether or not writing in my current mindset. It's probably not going to be too beneficial to write while I'm feeling low, but perhaps I am wrong. Plus, I think it's essential to create an open and honest vibe on this blog. I can't stand people making sense of false positivity. So, here we go, how to overcome your wobbles.

Think back to why you started

Don’t lose sight of your purpose or goals if you’re feeling stressed or doubting your choices and abilities. Then remember why you’re here and how hard you worked to get where you are.

We’re all on a weird life journey here, so it’s normal to do something silly or have a day where nothing quite seems to go right. Having a clear sense of purpose can make it much easier for you to navigate these days and move forward.

Sit down and remember why you are where you are in life and where you want to go next.

Create a plan of action

You might be feeling a wave of self-doubt because you have no plan or you’ve deviated from an existing one. Go back and think about what you would like to achieve in the next few months and years of your life. Where would you like to see yourself in this time frame? Set realistic and manageable goals; this can help bring back the sense of excitement into your work and help you get refocused and energised.

Take some time out

Sometimes burnouts are inevitable. We all feel a bit low sometimes, and it’s often due to sheer exhaustion. In this case, it means that it’s time to switch off for a little while and recharge your batteries.

Recently, I’ve been reducing the time in which I post on Instagram. I always used to spend time crafting ridiculously long Instagram posts each day and building up my following. But now as I’m adjusting to a new job, the pandemic, and life in a new city. The pressure of everything can feel a little much. So If I feel like I can post, I will, if not, then I won’t.

Start a journal

I feel like I always tell people to start a journal. But it’s still a fitting suggestion so I can’t help myself. When we have wobbles, it’s comfortable to sit and dwell on all the ways we feel like we messed up or that we’re not good enough, all the skills and knowledge we are missing out on and all the mistakes we have made. Of course, this is not going to lift the mood. Take some time to focus on the good things in life, and perhaps you can radiate a little bit of positivity.

What's worked for you?

There are countless ways you can work to lift your mood, and I’d love to know what people do if they want to feel a little better about the world. Please let me know in the comments below.


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