Managing a career in your 20’s

Being brutally honest, it’s been sometime since I’ve actually done some writing on Steph Writes Stuff. For the past two years I’ve written in excess for moments where I’m too busy to write, or where I’ve lost the motivation, but I didn’t think I’d be skipping out on work to go party after I graduated.

Since moving to London, i’ve definitely had the opportunity to go out a lot more than I did in Birmingham, and why wouldn’t I? The lure of being a single 20 something in the capital is too strong. But the past few weeks have been challenging in terms of getting my work done.

It’s a weird one, and definitely baring on my conscious a lot at the moment. I don’t know anybody my age running a business, managing a freelance business, and forcing a social life into every spare moment I have. But I’m likely not alone in it - the people I know in freelancing may be in their 30’s and 40’s but there’s still consistent words of wisdom from them all.

Your 20’s are for building a decent life in your thirties.

If I’m honest, that phrase has stuck with me from the moment I graduated. I’ve always worked hard, I knew I had to if I planned to get anywhere in life, but this made me work harder and recognise why I was working.

Even past that, the working culture in London is demanding, while my fellow Gen Z’ers focus on their mental health before their career, Millienials and above have a general agreement that the working day ends at 8-9pm.

It’s almost like a metaphoric fire is burning under your ass, a ticking time bomb to build a respectable career for yourself the same way you were rushed into choosing your career path in your early teens.

There’s such a rush to choose what you do and don’t want out of life, choosing to embrace the small moments almost feels sinful.

But it’’s something I’m trying to balance at the moment. Is it possible to balance a freelancing business and actually enjoying life? I very much think so, but I guess you guys will be the ones to know the difference.

Further note…

A few months have passed since I initially wrote this piece, and the other two career based posts that surround it. Of course, I still think that building an adequate career in your 20’s can be challenging. The need to balance both business and please is strong, and why wouldn’t it be? You’re young, you have a long working life ahead of you, but only so much time left of youth.

But outside of that, I think there’s a stigma around young people in decent positions, or making headway in their profession.

Personally, I’m very used to people being suprised at my age and where I am in my career. Especially in London, where people in their early 30’s are still leaving with their parents, the idea of a 23 year old living so far away from home is peculiar. I’m not particularly vocal about my freelancing work, but when I do speak about it, I think it contributes to the confusion.

Typically, conversations about my career feel positive and motivational - but there is the occasional “wise word” or back handed comment. I’ve had people pushing me to learn and be better to avoid imposter syndrome “finally” setting in, and I’ve had plenty of criticism. Of course, any career requires constant learning and growth, but I can see that in myself already. I’m proud of my abilities, and I know I learn from my missteps, that all I need.

I guess the big bit of advice I wanted to add to this article was just do you. Your path is yours and yours only, if you take time to highlight your wins and analyse your losses, then you’re on the right track.


Affiliate Marketing: what I know now


Building a Career In your 20’s