Launching LinkedIn

No matter what your business does, getting on LinkedIn is essential for networking and B2B growth. When I first started out in marketing I used to think the platform was devoted to big-wig corporate companies, recruiters, and sales people. Whilst that might have been true at the time, the platforms definitely evolved.

The current state of LinkedIn

Perhaps it’s the post-pandemic attitude to work, but the place is more progressive and increasingly more inclusive. It’s a place for people to share their coming-out journey at work, balancing caring for sick children and running a business, and flat out sharing their lives. Some may moan that it’s turning into another Facebook, but is it? Or is it incorporating our changing lives and attitudes to work? I choose to believe the latter, and I like where it’s heading.

Creating a space for Steph Writes Stuff

In hindsight, it’s annoying that I’ve never thought to create a page for Steph Writes Stuff on LinkedIn. I’ve thought about setting up generic pages in the past, but never one to promote the blog or freelance business. But as one of my goals for the year is (of course) to grow the freelance business, and LinkedIn is an amazing place to do that - especially for marketing. Over the past year I’ve joined hundreds of communities of marketers online, filled with advice, news, and likeminded people.

I want to contribute to that conversation through the blog, not my LinkedIn profile.

So I’ve finally built my own page, until now I’ve only had socials for the icons you see on the top right of this screen, but LinkedIn is a new kettle of fish, and I can’t wait to share my experience managing and growing my own profile compared to managing a clients.


Building An Online Portfolio


Should Your Brand Still Be On Twitter?