July: A Reflection and Some Updates

In the Northern Hemisphere, July signifies the height of Summer and all its glorious radiance, while in the Southern hemisphere, it is the middle of winter and a time for meditation and reflection. Either way, this month is a celebration of the current season.

I feel like Summer is flying by, instead of camping out at my Student Union or sunbathing outside the local. I’m drinking Aperol in my room and only venturing out to buy food or exercise. It’s not exactly how I planned to spend my first Summer of adulthood.

Yeah, I moan a lot of about the state of the world, but as I take a moment to look back I think I’ve made a lot of myself!

I started this blog

I can’t believe it been three months since I started this page. Hopefully, by the time this is published, I’ll be at 1,000 Instagram followers and ready to announce my exciting giveaway.

I’ve made some friends.

In the process, I’ve managed to make some brilliant friends online.

I’ve fallen back in love with Brum.

When I first moved back home to Birmingham, I was concerned about finding my mojo. I still miss the North and the life I made for myself there, but I’ve Gott admit that I’m slowly falling back in love with my home town again.

Just to name a few!

Despite everything that’s happened this year, I think 2020 might have shed a tiny bit of light on my life, and for that, I’m eternally grateful.

But this blog did start to flourish during the lockdown. Mainly because I was on leave and bored out of my brains, but it would have taken a lot longer for me to reach where I am now.

Now I’m slowly returning to work I think now is the perfect time for me to change stuff up a little. To introduce a new way of uploading the educational and meaningful content that I work so hard to create.

So this is what this blog is. If you’re a regular reader, then this is probably what you’re going to see from me this month.

“How To Blog” Will Be Monthly

I bloody love this series. But at the moment it’s just not as organised as I’d like it to be.

Which more often than not means I’m close to a breakdown before I’ve even had the chance to hit upload.

It’s been a brilliant way for me to meet new bloggers and make new online contacts. It’s almost like a child to me at this point. I want to streamline the process of putting it together a little bit more.

More Marketing Blogs

It’s my bread and butter so why shouldn’t I talk about this more? I quite like the idea of my blog being the go-to place for advice on all things social media.

From essential algorithm updates to the basics of internet law. From next week I’ll be sprinkling my blog with some more marketing and social media-based content which can help boost accounts of all shapes and sizes.

Monthly Themes

Although it won’t be evident in every blog I post, I’m planning on keeping monthly themes for my blog. This month I’m taking a page from the BLM movement and educating myself on the world and the community around me.

Book Reviews Will Return

I have slacked so much on the book reviews and recipes for this blog. But I’m finally ready to return to reading and recommending some good reads! So get you’re reading glasses on.

The recipe blogs will return soon, but I’m debating whether or not to incorporate my new love of cocktail making into the posts.

Please let me know your thoughts on this one!

There will probably be some more significant changes coming as we all begin the transition back to normality. I’m not the only blogger who will be thinking about this, but I wanted to make sure I addressed it.

This is the month where our lives start to seem just a little bit more normal. I’m excited but so so nervous.


Lets Chat “Cancel Culture”


July Bullet Journal Spread Ideas