It’s Not Luck.

It’s not luck, it’s skill. It’s hours spent hustling, late nights spent learning and fixing mistakes.

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about where I am in my career and where I want to be this time next year, and in five years time. Even when I was at university I didn’t think about my career prospects; I just went with the flow of things and followed the skills that I liked. I didn’t slack by any means. I worked hard to find my skill set but never really knew where that was going to take me in life.

In the grand scheme of things, I think I’ve done pretty well, I’m pretty happy with what I’ve achieved at 23. I’ve given my previous boss the middle finger, moved to London to peruse a marketing career, and started my very own freelance business.

But over the past year I’ve heard a lot of people say to me “ooh you’re so lucky to be…” and any variation of the above. Fuck them.

Remember your worth, remember how hard you’ve worked, don’t let anyone invalidate you or what you’ve achieved to soothe their own egos and failures. You’ve worked your arse off and you’re still are to be where you are in life.


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