3 Ways To Help You Be The Best You

I just want to start by saying that the definition of the ‘best you’ is completely subjective. Other people may flutter in and out of your in and out of your life with suggestions about your weight, vices, and even the way you speak to people. But it’s irrelevant. What makes you the best version of yourself is completely subjective.

Although this blog title seems a little hypocritical, its intention is to motivate. To encourage you to set goals for yourself and to measure your success by your own definition.

Over lockdown, I decided that I was going to work on myself a lot more. I became very goal-focused and was determined to use the time to the best of my ability. I lost weight, I ate healthy, I grew my blog, quit smoking and focused on my own personal growth. If you’ve been reading my blog frequently then you’ll know I worked hard to grow my skillset and expand on my mental health.

But after I returned to work and things (briefly) began to return to normal, I let the habits slide and it was a hard thing to accept. But I definitely think I got swept up into the post-lockdown celebrations.

I still feel okay both mentally and physically , but I know I can be better, and I think I’m ready to start working towards a better state of life. As the second lockdown looms, I think now is the time to start back on my journey and try shine a little bit of a positive life in this difficult time.

And better way to commit to it than with a blog post?

Like I said at the start of this entry, the only reason to make changes in your life is if it benefits you. Other people are irrelevant and their opinions on your life choices should be treated as such. We’ve all tried to adapt to fit in with new friend groups, or impress crushes. But it’s not healthy or sustainable. So if you’re reading this blog because you ready to make changes for you, then great! But if not, then thats okay.

F*ck Failure

The fear of failure is deafening. Stop worrying about what other people think of you, stop worrying that people think you're incompetent and give the imposter syndrome a hearty kick out the door.

Everyone has had failures at some point of their life, nobody is perfect but success is a symptom of failure. Life is a trial and error thing and to truly be successful at it you must overcome fear. You’re going to fail at something at some point and when you do, it’s a chance to grow.

Don’t Be A People Pleaser

It’s time to stop playing the role of ‘doormat’ and start becoming a little more selfish and putting yourself first. Although this sounds like a bitchy mindset to be in, its time to take a step forward and focus on the things that make you happy, not the things that make others happy.

If you’re able to stop being people pleaser than you can regain your sense of self and start working on building up your confidence.

Goal Setting

I am a massive advocate of goal setting. It’s a hobby which is completely bespoke to you, your style, and your needs.

Personally I tend to goal set with my bullet journal. Over lockdown I would create this elaborate spreads to monitor my weight loss progress and my journey quitting smoking. If you want to look through some of spread posts, my July post was one of my favourites.

There are variety of other methods for achieving mental and physical stability, but there is only so many times I can go and talk about the benefits of exercising, keeping a diary and gardening…


My Trip To Busi Cafe


Has the algorithm changed?