How To Be A Boss Lifestyle Blogger

What do you define as lifestyle? 

Skincare? Fashion? Healthy living? Or everything in-between?

The literal definition of lifestyle is "a way in which a person lives". Which is incredibly vague and brilliant at the same time. I can tell you right now that you don't live the same life as me and vice versa. We're all different and choose to live our lives accordingly.

Which explains why we're so invested in seeing how everyone else lives their life…

My point is, the definition of "lifestyle" is completely fluid depending on who it is that's explaining it.

As an older member of Gen Z, my idea of lifestyle is a blurred mixture of Cosmo magazine, 2009 Zoella and the fantastic bloggers who inhabit our community today. If you were born after 1998, then your brain might think only of influencers, but if you were born before 1998 then you" ll probably think of glossy magazines and daytime television.

Yet it is undeniable that 2009 paved the way for the modern-day influencer. Not only is it the year that Zoella* started her successful blog and YouTube but this was around the time Facebook and Amazon partnered to showcase friends buying habits (one of the first moves concerning 'influencers' and buying habits). Without the rise of the YouTuber and the online blogger, we wouldn't have some of the fantastic content creators that grace our feed today.

Also, if you want to go on a deep dive into the various academic studies, most professional marketers credit 2009 as the birth of online opinion leaders/influencers.

*You may wonder why I reference Zoella a lot during this. I'm not a fan of her personally, but she's widely considered to be one of the first lifestyle content creators online. The Zoella brand today is widely different from the videos recorded In her bedroom.

Today influencers are all around us. You can make a living off the internet, and it's bloody brilliant. Brands are no longer blind the power and brute honesty of the influencer; I'm sorry, but even Helman's mayo and Heinz are willing to partner with influencers and musicians!

In this new world of Influencers, Bloggers and Vloggers, there are many sub-genres and communities. Bookstagrammers, foodstagrammers, lifestyle bloggers and countless others which I probably have not been privy to.

If you've read my blog before, you'll probably know the score with how this series works.

If not, then welcome to 'How to be a boss lifestyle blogger'. I've brought together some of my favourite lifestyle bloggers and influencers who are absolutely smashing it at the moment and asked them a very important question.

How do you do it?

Like I've mentioned, the term lifestyle is so vague that I've tried to encompass as many versions of it as I can. These guys are amazing, motivated and genuinely creative people. If you like what they've got to say here, then I wholeheartedly recommend you check them out, either by looking through their website or Instagram (tagged in the title of each section).

Alice (IG:@Navigating_Twenties )

To have a look through Alice’s blog, just click the link HERE.

Ever since I was a little girl I’ve sought comfort in writing. Writing allows me to understand much more clearly all of the thoughts that are jumbled in my head. Writing makes me happy and, going into my twenties I wanted to try my best to create the foundations for a writing career. Back in December 2019, on my twentieth birthday, I launched my blog Navigating Twenties. Through connecting with like-minded people and, sharing other people’s writings alongside my own I’ve turned my platform from an audience of just my boyfriend and mum to 2.2K in under seven months. I get such intrinsic enjoyment out of sharing my ramblings and photos of my life and I think that is the main reason why this account has grown to what it is now. People are drawn to authenticity and, I think the raw, genuine content I aim to produce captures the fact I just love what I’m doing. It doesn’t matter about the views count/likes or follower number- it matters that you enjoy what you’re writing or shooting. Be authentic and, genuine lovers of your work will follow. As well, I’ve found that as your blog grows there comes an unspoken pressure to produce what you assume people want to read. Don’t fall into the trap of that- write what you want to write. Don’t feel pressured to write for a certain time each week, write when it feels natural to do so. These are your words so, share them on your own terms. It is by producing what you want, that makes you and your platform authentic. That, for me, is the key to growing your platform. 

Al x 

Millie ( IG: @millieclinton)

I’ve always approached blogging as just being part of a conversation. When I founded, I didn’t have any intentions to sell anything, to get ‘free stuff’ or to become ‘Instagram famous’ with tens of thousands of followers. I just wanted my voice - my thoughts and opinions - to be part of a wider, global conversation on what’s new, latest trends etc.

My blog has put me in touch with some amazing brands, from GHD to Charlotte Tilbury. There’s been some real ‘pinch me!’ moments when my favourite brands reach out to collaborate! But my approach has always remained the same: I just want to be part of a conversation. No matter what a brand might offer me in exchange for being part of a campaign, if they want to replace my own opinions with their own marketing rhetoric, I don’t want to be a part of it.

I love to collaborate with brands, so long as it is a collaboration: not a brand dictating what I need to say and to where I need to link. Maintaining this attitude has helped to keep my content authentic and genuinely passionate. My advice to bloggers is that, when it comes to working with brands, it is okay to insist on your own wording, or to let them know that content is conditional on you actually liking the product once you’ve tried it.

Lots of brands will propose sending you product specifically to review on your blog and Instagram, and more often than not will chase up where ‘their’ post is. It’s okay to let them know - and I always do - that press samples do not guarantee a review or a feature. I usually say that I’d love to try it, and if I love it and it fits into my content, I’ll talk about it, and I very politely let them know that product alone isn’t enough to guarantee I’ll use my time and energy to create content.

I’ve never had any push back from my response, most brands are very understanding and, actually, also work on the basis of ‘Try it - if you like it, please tell your audience about it!’ When you’re publishing your own content, you have a responsibility to keep it honest and reliable. You don’t have to agree to include anything that you don’t like, that simply isn’t a good fit or perhaps you didn’t even write. I always encourage fledgling bloggers to approach their content as just putting their opinions out into the world, and if you’re honest and consistent, people will start to listen. 

Lucy (IG: @lucymarytaylor)

Make sure to check out Lucy’s Twitter, Blog, Instagram and Pinterest!

Hi! I'm Lucy and I am a lifestyle blogger from South Wales. I started blogging way back in 2016. I started blogging as I felt I needed a creative outlet and writing just felt like the right thing for me to do. I knew blogging existed, but I never knew the opportunities it could bring with it. I was inspired to start blogging by an online friend of mine who has the same illness as me (Cystic Fibrosis) and she was raising awareness through her blog. It was something that I wanted to do also. So yes I set up a Wix account and started a brand new blog for myself!

Obviously when you start blogging, it takes a lot of hard work to grow your blog. I'm talking constantly promoting posts on your social media platforms, commenting on other's blog posts and just basically making yourself known in the blogging world. It can seem tedious and tiresome sometimes, but don’t stop promoting your content! Never be afraid to promote your content, that was one of my biggest mistakes at the start of my blogging journey (sorry for the cliché!) because I never felt my content was worthy enough to get seen by everybody. If you feel the same yourself, let me tell you, your content MATTERS. Post about it however many times you want. People will read it, I promise you. Growing your blog is a learning curve for every blogger and you will make mistakes, but you'll learn from them. 

The advice I would give to anyone thinking about starting their own blog is 1) Don't think you'll be an overnight success, it takes hard work but it's so rewarding! 2) Be yourself and post whatever content makes you happy and that you love writing about and 3) Just do it, life’s too short to be umming and arring about whether to hit the publish button and finally number 4) Never be afraid to ask another blogger for advice. The blogging community is a wonderful place and we’re always willing to offer support and encouragement whenever needed!

Ellena (IG: @athomeinhandbridge)

Lifestyle: it’s how you choose to style your life right? How you choose to lead and navigate this weird and wonderful journey. Choose to document it online and you can add blogger to your title and voila you have graduated to become a lifestyle blogger. Lifestyle can be broken down in many facets but to bring it back to basics it is a curation of content influenced by your daily life. For me, I have fallen down the rabbit hole of interiors and home renovation.

Along with my partner, we purchased our first home at the end of 2019, and whilst trawling social sites of Pinterest and Instagram I became more aware of a community. A little gang I was now part of if you will. The home reno lovers. Spanning the globe in every nook and cranny people just like me were furiously searching away for innovative and unique ideas to improve their bricks and mortar. Standing away from the social norms of shopping in Next and Debenhams we strive to have a more eclectic home that represents our personalities. A lot of us aren’t cash-rich so it is filled with tips and tricks on doing it yourself and upcycling old wares into something 1000x more fabulous. It is for this gargantuan I chose to step away from my personal Instagram account which is more of my usual friends, food pics and cats, it’s @ellenaalice if you fancy a cheeky follow, and set up @athomeinhandbridge, I wanted to segregate my life into these two pockets and be part of a community based solely around interiors. I think that is what is important, finding your niche. As an active blogger already on my personal website I decided to expand my reach further than social media by undertaking article writing to give depth and detail to the things I have done which is far too long for an Instagram caption. I wanted to outline the mistakes I have made and showcase the surprising successes in the hope that these could help someone else, who like me is completely clueless but has ‘the vision’ in mind. 

Believe me when I say, if you are in this for the success you won’t succeed. Being passionate about something is more important than likes or follows. These will grow organically from your enthusiasm and communication within the community. I have only been at this for a few weeks but already I have been introduced to so many new people connecting with couples from Devon to other houses on my doorstep! It's amazing what you can see when you open your eyes to an area of social media you’ve never explored and you’d be surprised how welcoming and supportive it can be. Maybe in the future I’ll experience some keyboard bashing but that’s water off a duck's back to me because this is my home and I will be doing it exactly the way I want it. I have made so many friends already and can’t wait to continue to share my lifestyle with anyone who is willing to watch because even if I help just a single person I’ll be happy. 

You can follow my house journey on Instagram @athomeinhandbridge  and if you fancy a whole plethora of weird and wonderful comments try out my website. Also, if you want any advice or just a general chit chat slide on into my DMs.

Imy + George (IG: @mygrumpyboyfriend_)

Make sure to check out their website by clicking HERE.

I loved reading and writing as a child and used to write full-length novels in my summer holidays at primary school (which mostly resembled Enid Blyton books!) As I got older I ended up taking less creative subjects and ultimately went into a career in the City after graduating, but I really missed having a creative outlet.

Enter MGB! The initial idea was actually George’s. I would drag him to all these pretty places popular with bloggers in London, and we would notice all the boyfriends and husbands of Instagram dutifully taking “the” photo for the ‘gram. Whenever I’d take a picture of George, he’d pull a face, or look grumpy and uncomfortable. I had joked that I would make a collage out of them for his birthday, but he suggested that we make an Instagram out of them.

I immediately decided it was something I’d look to do seriously. My personal Instagram account isn’t carefully curated, but rather the usual ... A hodge-podge of photos taken at various events (usually in bad lighting or with a careless hand). That night I watched a few YouTube videos on how to grow an Instagram, and it sounded like a completely different language! I had never heard of presets, or SEO but fast-forward three months and I’m loving being able to throw myself into this passion project. It’s certainly been made trickier with lockdown being announced less than a month after starting the account, and while I had originally envisioned the report and accompanying blog being mainly reviews rather than “influencer shots” but it’s tested my creativity. Ultimately I’ve been grateful for it.

In terms of my top tip, it’s probably the most obvious one: pick a topic you really love. Even without this page, I would spend hours researching cute spots in London and further afield, and it makes my hobby feel productive. Also, through our page (yes - we meet a lot of people who want us to be travel agents or join their pyramid scheme🙄) we’ve met a load of like-minded individuals who’ve shown us places I’d have never have found on my own, and vice versa. I’ve genuinely been blown away by the Instagram communities and their kindness, and I would strongly recommend starting a page to anyone I know.

Charlotte (IG:@writtenbycharlotte)

Make sure to check Charlotte out on her Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and Blog

I have been blogging for what feels like AGES but I have only recently just started to take ti quite seriously. By that, I mean actually wanting to do well with it and create some sort of future for myself. Its really early days and I'm just focusing on creating and sharing content at the moment. 

It has been a struggle to really focus on what type of content I want to put out, first it was all about book reviews, then it was about making money, and now its more about self-improvement and the odd 'how to blog' post because they're always useful!

The best way I have found to market my blog is to just post on all social media. I love Pinterest but its a whole minefield I am still learning about. Instagram is the main platform I want to grow since creating a connection with your readers is key. I also share onto my own Facebook page too, however, it's mostly my family that see it there! Twitter is an account that is growing for me, and I do find that sharing your posts in threads and using RT accounts do really help!

So, my biggest tip would to just try and market yourself everywhere, and you'll eventually find the platform that works for you. Stay consistent and don't lose motivation!

Natasha (IG: @nastashaturton)

Hey guys. 

My name is Tash and I blog over on Love-laughter-fashion. Here is the link to my blog.

I blog mostly about fashion but have a few hair/jewellery stuff on there too.

I don’t blog as much as I used to, as I do most of my reviews via Instagram. My username is (natashaturton)

However, I thought I’d give you a little insight into my blogging venture and how I got started. 

Around 4 years ago now, I actually met a lovely lady on Instagram who I saw had a blog.

I never knew what a blog was but had always been interested in fashion.

So she kindly helped me set up a blog.

I started blogging about random stuff I had in my wardrobe, or whatever I bought when I went shopping. I promoted my blog on my socials, and with lots of hard work which included taking the photos, reviewing and engaging on Instagram I started getting contacted by brands to collaborate.

If anyone is wanting to start blogging I would definitely just got for it.

It’s so fun and creative and as it’s a hobby you can do it whenever you have time! No pressure whatsoever.

Thanks for reading!

Tash x 

Sarah (IG: @Seethestarsblog )

As well as Instagram, you can find Sarah on Facebook and Twitter!

Hiya! I'm Sarah Lauren, a 27 year old from birmingham who writes and creates lifestyle, fashion, and the occassional travel & beauty content on 'see the stars blog' for roughly seven years now. 

And boy, has it been a journey. I've always been intrigued by the idea of sharing snippets of my life online and like most in their mid-20's this all started when I'd spend my evenings 're-blogging' my heart out on tumblr (yep, that's how I'd spend my saturday nights at 16...) & it just kind of snowballed from there. I originally started my blog as a distraction from university assignements and I've just not stopped since. 

Honestly? The seven years have been a slow progress with my blog and realistically it's only been until this year that I've seen the change in my blog and it's growth (yay)! If you're starting out with your blog the best advice I can give you is: 

  • Create a blog on the things you're passionate about, find your niche and work to your strengths, trust me you'll never get bored!

  • Be honest and open, you'll noticed how you're following will always come back for more

  • Use social media! Create an account for every platform, connect them together and you'll find more engagement, more tips and tricks and you'll soon discover the benefits of all your hard work.

  • Engaging with other bloggers is important, remember you're all in the same position & the friends I've made online are some of the best & like minded people I know.

Most of all, enjoy yourself! Do this for yourself and don't get too disheartened if it takes some time to start seeing the pay me seven years ago my views were almost non-exsistent, my following was low but being persistent eventually paid off. If you're looking for a little more details about this, I've written a couple of 'blogging tips' on my blog, here.

Fay (IG:@Somewhatperfect)

As well as her Instagram (tagged in the title), you should definitely check out Fay’s blog by clicking HERE.

As a lover of creativity and writing, producing my own blog was always a goal I wanted to achieve. From studying Psychology throughout my degree, I realised the importance of mental wellbeing, which encouraged me to create a blog based on lifestyle and wellbeing. Life itself is a complicated journey of jumping through hurdles, learning and improving, so I began to blog as I wanted a platform which provided security for others as well as relatable lifestyle advice, including self-love, acceptance and relationships. I wanted to create an enjoyable, pleasing and positive space for my viewers, which they could visit for an uplifting and reassuring read. 

Through connecting with like-minded people and supporting others, I have seen my blog grow. I particularly found a positive correlation between maintaining a certain aesthetic/vibe on my feed and the number of my followers. My advice to other bloggers who are wanting to grow their platforms is to be consistent and approachable. Maintain a similar theme/aesthetic on your feed and reach out to people. Compliment others and show genuine support for others, because they are likely to reciprocate your kindness. Another key piece of advice I would give is to be yourself. Post when it feels right, post what feels right and just be you, and people will grow to love your blog for its authenticity. It’s also completely acceptable to have time off – we all need a break from time to time, so don’t feel pressured to post constantly!

I purely blog because it is a hobby. My heart is fulfilled knowing that my advice is listened to and that I am helping others. The beauty of blogging is being able to share my advice and experiences with others whilst converting all my thoughts into creative pictures and written posts. To anyone who is unsure whether to begin blogging, my advice would be to always give it a go and enjoy the experience – you never know unless you try!

Chloe (IG: @a_little_insight)

Hi! My name is Chloe and I am the face behind @a_little_insight.

When I began uni in 2018, I really wanted to document my time there and experiences so I could give an honest ‘little insight’ into what it is like. 

Also, my blog was a way to keep me practising my writing skills and keep me busy if I ever had any time between my course deadlines and portfolio submissions. So, I started my Instagram account to link with my student blog on WordPress (also  called A Little Insight) to give more regular updates on my uni life.

Throughout, I have been honest and open with any content I post. I believe it’s important to be authentic about your experiences, you never know who it could help or even entertain! But I also love writing and posting about the topics I cover, such as uni lifestyle, student experiences, self-love, body positivity and looking on the bright side of life.

In terms of growth, I have learnt to post more regularly and use hashtags to reach people with similar accounts. Saying that, I honestly can’t believe I have over 1000 followers, it truly baffles me, but I am so glad that people like what I post. I really enjoy creating content, and it’s something that I would love to do in a future role.

My advice would be do what you love, and it will always make you happy. 

You will  find that if you clearly love what you do, it radiates positivity and connects you with so many other amazing people on this platform, bringing you into such a lovely online community. But remember, don’t just let people come to you, reach out to others, support them in their journeys too and create good connections with accounts that create content that you enjoy as well!

If you want to join me and follow my journey, listen to  my chatty stories and honest captions, give me a follow on my Instagram and WordPress blog.

A huge thank you to @stephwrites_stuff for letting me be part of this!

Sending everyone love, light and positive vibes.

Chlo x

Rachael (IG: @Stylemymagpie)

If you’d like to check out my website, click HERE.

So around 2013 ish? When Instagram first started, I remember hearing about this new and cool social media platform of instant squares of daily life and thought I'd give it a go.

( I wasn't in any way considering myself as a Blogger or influencer ) at this point and I'd not even heard of the term influencer! Like most people I started off posting a whole bunch of random thing's, I remember my first post being a #fwis shot of some new favourite ankle boots and I cringe at how smug I felt about the use of that hashtag!

I soon realized just how much I loved uploading a random post of the day whether it be a new nail polish/a mini Primark haul laid out on the bed to a giant strawberry! ( I'd always loved photography)

And this was just the beginning of a brand new and exciting hobby. I soon found that Taking photos and coming up with creative ideas, really helpful with regards to my mental health having depression and anxiety, this is still a significant focus.

Over the year's I like to think my photography skills have improved as I've learnt to play around with various angles/lighting and props, PROPS are literally everything in a flat lay/OOTD pose and can really give a photo an instant lift and give it a clickable inviting vibe.

I have dealt with some toxicity surrounding some people on Instagram, but the best way I've dealt with this and felt the positive effects is to as dramatic as it sounds, unfollow and cut ties with anyone/anything that doesn't make you feel good!

Concentrating on your own journey and creativity is the best thing you could ever do for yourself, also a little SELFCARE away from the internet from time to time works all the magic.

I'm still learning as I go with being a blogger/photographer ( still feels a little cringe ) saying that but the moment I felt like I was when I was recognized as a Blogger was when a local brand out of the blue, approached me about a collaboration and that was such an achievement as I'd been blogging/gramming for around 5 yrs, and it was such a fantastic feeling that someone noticed me and liked what I was doing. I started my blog for myself foremost( my own little corner of the internet) but soon became apparent people liked what I was posting both on the blog and the grid, and that was such a rewarding feeling.

When I moved from posting random snaps and made the decision of "I'd like a piece of that Blogger life" I started out with beauty, then jewellery to thrifted fashion to accessories to now - midsize fashion ( which still includes thrift) with a sprinkle of - lifestyle - I believe I've finally found my nichè and a way to combine everything I love, which I hope has a flow on the grid and a positive message compared to a load of random squares! Which is fine but can be a bit confusing as to what a Blogger/grammers account and message is all about.

If you're thinking about starting an account for blogging purposes, I'd say to be clear about the message you want to convey, it helps to have an ( as much as I dislike the word) nichè and also how to make your photos and account inviting, Also, be careful not to over-edit. Natural light is always the best. In the last 2 yrs, I've found a lovely sense of community and met some wonderful and like-minded women who are so supportive and creative, and inspiring that has to be one of the best things that have come out of my blogging journey so far!

If you’d like to check out my website, click HERE.

Jade (IG:@thatgirlcalledjade)

Hey, I’m Jade, known on Instagram as @thatgirlcalledjade.louise and my blog is I’m an activewear designer by day and a London fashion and lifestyle blogger by night. It honestly couldn’t be more perfect to work with fashion all day every day!

Why did I start this account?

So I moved to London in September 2018 from Leicester to start my career as a designer. I have always loved fashion as I’ve studied it for 5 years of my life and at the time I worked for such a small company so I didn’t know anyone in London, all my friends were back home. So I thought why not share my love for fashion on Instagram and I thought this would also be a great way to connect with people in the fashion industry who share the same interests as me!

I’ve had this account for over a year and a half now and I love creating and sharing content with my audience, it gives me another little creative outlet away from designing which I love! I get to connect with such amazing people on a daily basis and I have got to work with some amazing brands which I am so grateful for. 

Advice for people who want to start out

I would say just dive right in and do not be afraid, everyone has to start from somewhere right! If you go back to my earliest images they are just me walking around or on my balcony as I was scared to shoot in London. All of them were taken by my boyfriend reluctantly on my phone. It has now blossomed into a creative space where I have a mixture of a full outfit, flat lays and close up detail shots which are now taken on a camera and I just love the content I am producing right now! 

Another great tip is to create your own preset on Lightroom or from any editing app and use that for consistency on all your photos, mine is quite a dark aesthetic which I love! I play around with different effects on different photos but all my photos look very similar in the way it’s edited and I feel that people like to see a theme as they can then relate it back to you and your content!

My final tip is to just have fun and enjoy yourself, it’s a creative space so just be you and don’t be scared!

Here are some little tips I have learnt to help grow your account!

  1. Post at least 4 times a week if you can!

  2. Post at the same time so your audience know what time you’re posting

  3. Use all 30 hashtags in the comments straight after you post

  4. Engage with other creators for at least an hour a day

  5. Research hashtags and make sure they are relevant to your picture

  6. Don’t use more than 5 hashtags with more than 1 million posts on it as your post will just get lost

So that’s a little bit more about me and why I got into this influencing, Instagram & blogging world! If you have any questions feel free to drop me a DM.

Laura (IG: @Lauraboddy_)

I started putting more time into my account about a month after lockdown was announced here in the UK. Instagram has always been my favourite platform but i've never really made the time to create better content and focus on it as i've always been "too busy" or "too tired". I mainly post about my outfits and general lifestyle content (at the moment i seem to be loving facemasks!) If i'm honest, I'm not entirely sure how it's grown as quickly as it has, but my main advice to others would be to be consistent with your uploads, dont worry about what people that you know offline might think and to be yourself and just have fun with it!

Life Like Magazine (IG: @Lifelike_mag)

We started LifeLike_mag about 2 months ago with the aim of creating an online lifestyle magazine that features the most unique content from around the world in one place. When we started out with LifeLike, we weren’t really sure as to what direction we’re going with it. Initially the magazine featured everything: Food, Photography, Art, Makeup products, skincare routine, you name it. 

With time however, we realized that some of these topics, although relevant to the lifestyle niche, were just not our domain. It was evident that sticking with them was creating the feed a little “random”. Consequently, we dropped much of what we were doing and narrowed down to the ones that gave us the most engagement. As of today, after exactly 2 months and 16 days,@LifeLike_maghas over 1600 followers on Instagram. That might not be the biggest number in terms of growth, but that is so much more than what we expected. And that is precisely the only growth advice you need to get your Instagram as well as your blog up and running!

Starting a lifestyle blog/gram is tedious. It is basically just like any other blog but with one major exception: the lifestyle niche is a very broad term. Unlike other specific niches like food blogs, book reviews, travel blogs, and others such, a lifestyle blog in its crude infancy can mean all of these things. Ranging from diet plans, travel destinations, to even #WeekendReads, there is a certain aspect of lifestyle in all of these. 

This generalization of niches is what’s the best and the worst thing about a lifestyle blog. Having many topics at your disposal means that you’ll never run out of things to talk about! Vacation season? Write a blog on travel destinations. Summers approaching? Kick start a summer diet campaign! You get the point. 

However, having too many topics at your disposal can also mean that your lifestyle blog is somewhat “random”. This is never good when it comes to blogging. You never want to generalize your blog so much that it just does not give anyone anything to relate to! Your readers cannot establish a relation with your blog identity because, well, it’s got too many identities!

This is where your role as a blogger comes in. Starting a lifestyle blog means that you have to skim through a vast array of topics to write about, and rather than getting excited and picking everything, you need to vet out the ones that you’re not sure about and choose the ones that you think you know well. You need to be organized and precise, and you do not want to stuff everything in your blog. 

That’s it. That’s the magic trick. Not the entire trick but a major part of it of course. At least that’s what’s been working for us!

Important! We’re writing this based on our experience with Instagram and not a blog (however your blog and your gram go hand in hand), solely because our blog is in the making and will be completed in a matter of couple weeks! (June 2020). You can expect big changes and many new things to come with the launch of our blog so another advice would be to stay tuned!


Check us out on Pinterest as well.

Thoughts From A Marketer (Me!)

Lifestyle influencers have helped carve out social media as we know it today.

Think of it this way, way back when social media was still in its infancy. We thought of platforms like Facebook as a new way to catch up with your mates after school or find long lost family members.

The idea of connecting with strangers was completely unheard of until 2009-2010.

Even after influencers walked on the scene the idea of businesses having a Facebook or Twitter account was just weird.

Now you can banter with the folks who run Innocent Smoothies twitter and check in with your favourite skincare brand on Instagram.

I firmly believe that influencers paved way for a new era of marketing.

Even businesses are encouraged to adopt lifestyle content into their marketing strategy. Whether it’s through blogs, value adding content or a cheeky behind the scenes of the business. It’s evident that connecting with your customers on a personal level is even more important than selling to them. If you don’t believe me, check out this article from Social Media Today.

Unlike my past posts in this series, I won’t be adding any further tips and tricks to becoming a lifestyle blogger. Mainly because I think all of these lovely ladies have absolutely smashed it, but also because I think there’s an audience out there for everyone.

Of course, a good camera, a social media strategy and a strong sense of aesthetics can work absolute wonders for your follow count. But I really do believe that there is a tribe for everyone out there online. If you have a niche, others will want to see it or will be willing to support you on your journey.

In other words. Be You!


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