Goal Setting

No matter the situation, a new year always yields unique opportunities to grow and work towards your goals.

This year, I plan on working towards a more fully-formed version of myself. The past year I have spread myself so thin trying to be everything and anything at once, and it just never truly works. So I'm laying the foundations for a prosperous new year in December (like any good writer, I'm writing in advance, rather than rushing off the cuff).

But a week of hardcore writing will not automatically make me better; there is shiz to do.

Goal setting is like making a resolution outside of New Year's Eve. If you genuinely want to achieve them, you'll plan, but the likelihood is you'll still pick up smoking again or have another glass of wine before January 31st.

I think I take a rather analytic view to my goal setting; I guess the perks of marketing mean you can't look at goals as anything other than desired metrics. Plenty of my goals for 2022 involve my work, which does make that pretty handy, but there are several other big ones I just have to tick off my list this year.

Most people plan a goal and fumble their way towards it, yet if I'm honest, I don't think it's attainable. How do you know if you're on your way to reaching it? What will you do if you stray away from the desired path?

Planning has the power to make things perfect, and that's precisely what I've been trying to accomplish over the past few weeks. I don't want to preemptively expose all my plans before the first month of the year s over. But I will say it will be worth the wait watching it all come to be.

To help myself get back into the goal-setting mood, I decided to bring back one of my favourite hobbies. Bullet journaling.

An image of a typewriter with the word "goals" typed out.

I first started this blog nearly two years ago. I was absolutely obsessed with bullet journaling. I will post monthly spreads to show people how I've got creative and super organised, if I remember correctly. One of the main reasons I stopped that was because it was just so manufactured towards the end.

I just wasn't getting the benefit I should have, and despite them being some of my most popular posts, I just didn't have the time to commit to something that took hours to do and never much time to fill it in.

But I'm ready to delve back into it with a new journal. Let's see how this goes…


Always learning


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