Getting Back Into The Learning Curve

If I had a pound for every time I wrote the phrase “Marketing is a humbling career”, I’d be a millionaire by now. Honestly, it’s ridiculous.

In creative and data driven roles, its impossible to stay static. The tech evolves, your audience evolve, and times completely change. It’s part of the joy of what you do, but it’s fast paced - you have to keep up with the changes otherwise you’re left in the dust.

Over the past few months, I’ve definitely fallen behind my own learning time - the temptation to prioritise the short term wins of getting a task done feel more important than taking the time to build a better you in the long-term.

But after a year of pushing for development opportunities at work, I’ve finally been able to take the time to focus on improvement. It’s been great, I finally feel like myself again - I’m even getting back into writing for the blog after months of being stuck in a writing block.

There’s so much free information available for those who want to educate themselves, but taking the time to find the perfect article, video, or course can be a huge pain in the ass. So I thought I’d share some of top reccomendations for training and learning:

Google Skillshop

Google’s Skillshop and Digital Garage are perhaps some of the most important places to start your marketing learning journey. As a digital marketer, you will have at least some understanding of SEO and Google’s complicated suite of tools for data analysis and advertising. So I’d recommend taking a look at some of Google’s courses around ads, analytics, and digital marketing.

Whilst only a few of them might be appealing for now, the rest will soon be essential as your career progresses.

Facebook Blueprint

I started learning Facebook Blueprint at the very start of my full time marketing career. A 21 year old working in a social media agency, Facebook Blueprint felt like the definitive source of everything important in my field. Now I’m a lot older I know it’s not the most valuable suite of learning resources. But it sets a great baseline for those looking to tip their toe in social media marketing. This is especially the case when you consider the fact the Meta umbrella is continually growing.


Whilst Google and Facebook have the monopoly over most social media marketing tools - Hubspot is by far the most comprehensive online academy for free certified courses on the market. From copywriting, the SEO, and email marketing. If you’re looking to be a marketer of many skills…then this is the best way to grow skills you’ve picked up on Facebook Blue Print or through day-to-day reading.

Supports always here when you need it

The world of marketing can often feel endless. In fact, for many it’s quite daunting…If you think you need a little extra help with your marketing efforts, you’re not alone. Take a look at my freelance marketing consultancy and management services. I’ll be happy to help!

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