Spicing it up

Bit of a rant today! As I’ve mentioned here and there, my blog is coming up to it’s first year anniversary. Which is a bit of a weird feeling. I don’t think I’ve ever kept to a hobby for longer than six months.

Growing up I always dabbled with the idea of blogging. The internet is littered with my thoughts from the age 14+ (something which I’ve tried quite hard to scrub away). But this website is the first and only thing I’ve stuck to with absolute devotion, and I like that.

I started blogging at a very weird time of my life. I’d just graduated from university and left my job in Wales to move home - something I’d always been adamant I would never do. I felt like a failure for moving home and as much as I (at the time) loved my new job. There was various things which I lacked in my life. So I started writing, not for my clients, not for my boss, but for me. I would write about whatever the hell I wanted to talk about at that moment, hence the name.

But with that devotion to writing for myself, I think I’ve grown a lot more. I don’t really see myself as a teenager anymore. I feel like I’ve got a bit more of a grasp on what I want in life and where I want to be in 5 or even 10 years time. This blog gave me the focus I never knew I needed and definitely didn’t want throughout University. Scrolling through old posts I can see I’ve grown as a person as well as a writer. From taking an interest in the industry news to learning to reflect on personal goals. It’s been a fucking little journey and I don’t think I would have got through lockdown without it.

But as I moved to London, started a job which nearly 5 months later i’m still in love with, I lost sight of my little blog. I began writing to keep up the habit, which isn’t as fun. I want to go back to the old Steph Writes Stuff.

This year you might have noticed a change, both on my blog and Instagram. I’m slowly bringing this place back to something I cherish rather than a weekend hobby.

I want to maintain the marketing stuff, the self-help stuff, and perhaps more. But over the coming weeks you might see some obscure rants and references that haven’t popped up on this site for a few months. Keeping it hush but keeping you updated nonetheless.

I hope you like it. :)


It’s a pandemic, you’re allowed to be a bit rubbish


Wix VS Squarespace VS GoDaddy VS Wordpress